If at this time the nuclear spin system subjected to external radio frequency effects,neodymium arc magnet such as a certain frequency excitation nuclei can cause resonance effects. After the RF pulse stops, has intensified nuclei spin system can not be maintained in this state, we will revert to the original arrangement of the magnetic field in the state, while the release of weak energy, become radio signals, these many signal detection, and When the spatial resolution,samarium magnets you get movement nuclei distribution image. MRI is characterized by the flow of the liquid does not generate a signal called flow effect blank or flow effects
MAG SPRING NINGBO ZHENHAI I&E LTD is a leading specialist in dependable and environmental-friendly designing, manufacturing, exporting and importing for various industrial magnets and magnetic products that provide pioneering magnetic solutions for global customers.
Ferrit haltemagnet

when the system reaches equilibrium
Under normal circumstances, the arrangement of atomic nuclei spin axis is erratic, but will be placed in an external magnetic field, neodymium cylinder magnets the nuclear spin spatial orientation of the transition from disorder to order. Magnetization vector of the spin system is gradually increased from zero, when the system reaches equilibrium, the grid magnet a stable value
Therefore vascular tubular structure is gray
Therefore vascular tubular structure is gray, block neodymium magnets and black blood is no signal. This makes soft tissue vascular easily separated. The surrounding normal cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the spinal cord, cerebrospinal fluid is black, and white fat are set off dura, spinal cord appear as white strong signal structure. MRI has been used in diagnostic imaging of the whole body system. The best is brain, super neodymium magnets and spinal cord, heart and great vessels, joints bones, soft tissue and pelvic
Cardiovascular disease not only can observe the chambers
Cardiovascular disease not only can observe the chambers,heatable magnetic filter great vessels and anatomical changes in the valve, but can be used for ventricular analysis, qualitative and semi-quantitative diagnosis, can be used for multiple cutout, high spatial resolution, neodymium cylinder magnets show the whole picture of the heart and diseases , and its relationship with surrounding structures
magnetization seeds can improve crop production to a certain extent
magnetic rods not only diagnosis, but can help treat the disease. Magnet is blindly medicine ancient Chinese medicine. Now, people use magnetic differences in the blood to separate the different components of red blood cells and white blood cells. In addition, the magnetic interaction with the human body can achieve magnetic meridian, has a unique role in the treatment of various diseases, has magnetic pillow, grid magnet and other applications. Magnet separator made of flour can remove iron may be present in the end, magnetized water can prevent boiler scale, the magnetization seeds can improve crop production to a certain extent.
which is why we recommend mainly NdFeB magnet surface preservative treatment
ndfeb magnets suitable for storage in a dry room, acidic, alkaline, organic solvents, water, and hot and humid environment tends to produce rust magnet, magnet powder coating off demagnetization. For non-plated products it should be noted that when coated anti-rust oil storage may be appropriate, which is why we recommend mainly NdFeB magnet surface preservative treatment. Magnets should pay attention away from disk storage, magnetic cards, magnetic tube, computer monitors, watches and other objects sensitive to magnetic fields on heart pacemakers and other electronic medical devices also should stay away from, or very dangerous.
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