The importance of the accessories magnetic drum magnetic separator, magnetic separator equipment in the
magnetic separation work, always and material between the collision, so the magnetic drum magnetic separator
is prone to wear and tear. Badly worn, magnetic drum magnetic separator tube skin appears frayed phenomenon,
but once worn pulp enters the magnetic drum, which would be adsorbed on the surface of the magnetic system, overband magnet
has led to the drum skin with the magnetic system locking occurs, or slurry into the bearings leading to bearing
damage, but the damage to the machine is not working properly.
Permanent magnet drum magnetic separator for election do not fine-grained magnetite, or the mixed magnetic
minerals to remove the non-magnetic minerals. Permanent magnet drum magnetic separator tube surface
magnetic field strength is much higher than ordinary permanent magnetic separator, easy to operate and
maintain, and use of the various types of concentrator site has obvious energy saving performance. Oriental
permanent magnet drum magnetic separator magnetic separator cylinder can be equipped with three types of
tanks that half countercurrent tank (CTB), downstream slot (CTS) and countercurrent tank (CTN), to adapt to
different sorting requirements. Half countercurrent tank permanent magnet drum magnetic separator for the ore
particle size of 0.5 ~ 0mm roughing and is especially suitable for particle size of 0.15 to 0mm mineral selection;
downstream slot permanent magnet drum magnetic separator machine is suitable for roughing and ore particle
size of 6 ~ 0mm; countercurrent tank permanent magnet drum magnetic separator for the ore particle size 0.6 ~
0mm rougher and scavenger, and the coal industry heavy medium recovery.
For permanent magnetic separator the initial magnetic system structure. Sets in the magnetic system of the
cylinder wall with non-magnetic stainless steel, A3 steel pole plate, pole top corner on the use of NdFeB, the rest
of the main part of the ferrite. As can be seen from the distribution of magnetic flux density of the the initial
magnetic system structure, the magnetic field average can be achieved the 0.18T basically meet the design
requirements, but the pole midline and the magnetic field strength at the pole gap drops quickly, the magnetic
field distribution is uneven, the overall average field strength is relatively low. magnetic separator This is due to the ends of the pole
good neodymium-boron magnetic material near the pole midline ferrite materials caused. Must therefore be
carried out to improve on the original structure, using NdFeB evenly arranged, with a total amount of NdFeB
material does not change, only its tile pole surface.