
better dry and wet magnetic separator machine which effects magnet drawers

With the increasing scarcity of resources, mining , beneficiation increasingly difficult for mining companies , but also to the processing equipment which magnetic separator, flotation machine equipment sales increased resistance. Only produce better separator device , allowing users even higher value , this is the development of the road magnetic separator . Strong magnetic separator produced mainly dry and wet magnetic separator magnetic MAG hard ferrite magnets separator, the effect of these two magnetic separator are good, but not quite the same purpose , some suitable selection of iron , some suitable separator .
Dry magnetic separator is mainly for dry beneficiation of minerals , such as iron ore, manganese ore , etc., selected from the ore minerals are selected through a dry come . Dry- wet magnetic separator magnetic separator is more complex , and some minerals beneficiation difficult it can only be carried out by the wet method by dry magnetic separation beneficiation . Wet magnetic separator has a magnetic, magnetic and weak magnetic wet magnetic separator points. The stronger the MAG Magnetic Rod magnetic separator , mineral processing , the better , but the price is getting higher and higher , for easy to use general election ore magnetic separator will be able to choose what kind of magnetic confidential according to their needs , Do not blindly buy .
Strong magnetic separator manufacturer through several decades of production and sales of magnetic separators , conducted statistical ore mines for decades , what about what ore magnetic separator is very understanding, select the separator to a strong bridge , strong magnetic separator expert the best suggestion for you that best suits your magnetic separator, dry and wet magnetic separator machine can not choose the wrong ah. MAG industriemagneten Strong magnetic separator machine manufacturers specializing in the production , strong magnetic drum , magnetic roller are famous at home and abroad.

