Magnetscheider Aufbereitung Ausrüstung
Magnetscheider ( magneticseparator ) Sub- Wahlkreisebene Steuer magnetischen Separator-Technologie Anforderungen an ein gewisses Maß an Wahlkreis Höhenniveau halten zu niedrig wird die Trennleistung zu reduzieren
Fruchtfleisch zu hoch ist und einen Überlauf verursachen . Verschiedene Arten von Magnetscheider , Neodym Magneten UnterbezirksebeneSteuer in unterschiedlicher Weise, wie der unteren Reihe von Erz starke magnetische Induktion Rollenseparator
, Die Installation der Unterbezirksebenedie automatische Steuerung, die von Standanzeiger, Regler und DurchflussregelgerätKomponente besteht . Nach den Prozessanforderungen , die Verwendung von Intervallschaltung gegebenen Bereich
Oder Regelwert . Wenn der Flüssigkeitspegel vom Sollwert , der Pegelanzeige Echtzeit-Erkennung Pegeländerungen ab, passt sich die Steuerung automatisch an die Erz oder dem Wasser , um auf den richtigen
Unterbezirksebenein Höhe , um eine bessere Trennleistung zu erhalten.
Magnetic Separator Grade Multi - Parameter-Steuerung in den Prozess, die Faktoren , die die Qualität des Erzes magnetischen Eigenschaften zu dem Erz zu beeinflussen, Stoffdichte , Unterbezirksebene, Magnetscheider wiederum
Tachykardie , Flush Wasserfluss , der Abgasstrom und magnetischen Feldstärke von mir. Wie kontinuierliche elektromagnetische Hoch Magnetabscheider magnetische Trennverfahren ist die Menge an Erz , die Art und Menge des Interferenz abbauen Haupt
Die Auswirkungen Konzentrat Magnetstab der HauptsteuerparameterGrad Bergeschlammkonzentrationbeobachtet Auswahl , Sortierung Plattendrehung und die magnetische Feldstärke , die Beziehung zwischen ihnen ist, dass das mathematische Modell ,
Und die Verwendung von Multi-Parameter- Steuerungssysteme. Steuersystem auf der Grundlage des ursprünglich, schöne , nützliche Komponente des Berge grade, Stoffdichte , um das Erz und anderen Messparametern , die vorher festgelegten
Mathematisches Modell -Betrieb den entsprechenden Befehle an den entsprechenden Aktor zu steuern , um das Spülwasser Trenn einstellen , Sortieren Platte Rotationsgeschwindigkeit , den Erregerstrom und das magnetische Feld
Dehydration (Grad ) Geräte- Konzentration , trommelmagnet so fein , Abraum- Klasse treffen sich Prozessanforderungen .
MAG SPRING NINGBO ZHENHAI I&E LTD is a leading specialist in dependable and environmental-friendly designing, manufacturing, exporting and importing for various industrial magnets and magnetic products that provide pioneering magnetic solutions for global customers.
Ferrit haltemagnet

magnetische Reinigungs
magnetische Reinigungs
Prinzip : Magnet ist die Verwendung des Einsatzmaterials und der magnetischen Suszeptibilität der Metallverunreinigungen , die Unterschiede der magnetischen Metalle zu entfernen , können magnetische Metall mit magnetischen Eigenschaften leicht
Und füttern Getreide und magnetfolie auto anderen Rohstoffen und sind nicht-magnetischen Material , mit Zuführungs magnetisiert magnetischen Metallverunreinigungen mit unterschiedlichen magnetischen Pole einander anziehen und mit dem Einsatzmaterial vermischt
Für magnetische Trennung Ausrüstung Anforderungen sind: feed- magnetischen Metallentfernungsratemuss größer als 95% sein. Magnetische Trennung Gerät , Hauptwerk -Komponenten sind Magnete. Magnete Permanentmagnete und Elektro
Magneten der Punkte. Physikalische erzeugen starke elektromagnetische Kraft , die schwache können separate magnettrommel Verunreinigungen verwendet werden , aber es erfordert Erregerleistung , komplexe Struktur , der Preis ist teuer .
Prinzip : Magnet ist die Verwendung des Einsatzmaterials und der magnetischen Suszeptibilität der Metallverunreinigungen , die Unterschiede der magnetischen Metalle zu entfernen , können magnetische Metall mit magnetischen Eigenschaften leicht
Und füttern Getreide und magnetfolie auto anderen Rohstoffen und sind nicht-magnetischen Material , mit Zuführungs magnetisiert magnetischen Metallverunreinigungen mit unterschiedlichen magnetischen Pole einander anziehen und mit dem Einsatzmaterial vermischt
Für magnetische Trennung Ausrüstung Anforderungen sind: feed- magnetischen Metallentfernungsratemuss größer als 95% sein. Magnetische Trennung Gerät , Hauptwerk -Komponenten sind Magnete. Magnete Permanentmagnete und Elektro
Magneten der Punkte. Physikalische erzeugen starke elektromagnetische Kraft , die schwache können separate magnettrommel Verunreinigungen verwendet werden , aber es erfordert Erregerleistung , komplexe Struktur , der Preis ist teuer .
Seltenerd-Magneten Seltenerdmetall-Legierung wird von einem starken Permanentmagneten zusammengesetzt , in
1970-1980 , begann die Forschung . In den Permanentmagneten können Seltenerd-Magneten ein Magnetfeld
erzeugen maximale , als Alnico-Magneten oder eine magnetische Ferrit-Magnete sind viel größer . Seltenerd-
Magnete können in der Regel neodym magnet erzeugen mehr als 1,4 Tesla- Magnetfeld und Ferrit-Magneten oder Keramik-Magnete
sind nur etwa 0,5 bis 1 Tesla . Die häufigsten Seltenerd-Magneten haben die folgenden zwei Arten : Neodym-
Magnet (auch als NdFeB bekannt) und Samarium -Kobalt-Magnete , die jeweils zwei Arten von Magneten aus
seltenen Erden Neodym und Samarium enthält . Seltenerd-Magnetmaterialist sehr spröde und anfällig für
Korrosion , ist es im allgemeinen in magnetfolie selbstklebend der äußeren Schicht der Metallbeschichtung auf andere Seltenerd-
Magneten selbst zu schützen.
Seltene -Erden-Magneten Begriff, der oft zu Missverständnissen in der Tat selten und Elemente der Seltenen
Erden sind nicht selten [1 ] [2] , in Hülle und Fülle rund um die Kruste und Zinn und fair führen [3].
Forschung über seltene Erden-Magneten seit 1966 , die US Air Force Materials Laboratory Wissenschaftler KJ
Strnat und G. Hoffer entdeckt Yttrium magnettrommel -und Kobaltlegierungen YCo5 , die magnetische Anisotropie konstant
jeden Datensatz als jedes andere bekannte Material , höher zu sein
1970-1980 , begann die Forschung . In den Permanentmagneten können Seltenerd-Magneten ein Magnetfeld
erzeugen maximale , als Alnico-Magneten oder eine magnetische Ferrit-Magnete sind viel größer . Seltenerd-
Magnete können in der Regel neodym magnet erzeugen mehr als 1,4 Tesla- Magnetfeld und Ferrit-Magneten oder Keramik-Magnete
sind nur etwa 0,5 bis 1 Tesla . Die häufigsten Seltenerd-Magneten haben die folgenden zwei Arten : Neodym-
Magnet (auch als NdFeB bekannt) und Samarium -Kobalt-Magnete , die jeweils zwei Arten von Magneten aus
seltenen Erden Neodym und Samarium enthält . Seltenerd-Magnetmaterialist sehr spröde und anfällig für
Korrosion , ist es im allgemeinen in magnetfolie selbstklebend der äußeren Schicht der Metallbeschichtung auf andere Seltenerd-
Magneten selbst zu schützen.
Seltene -Erden-Magneten Begriff, der oft zu Missverständnissen in der Tat selten und Elemente der Seltenen
Erden sind nicht selten [1 ] [2] , in Hülle und Fülle rund um die Kruste und Zinn und fair führen [3].
Forschung über seltene Erden-Magneten seit 1966 , die US Air Force Materials Laboratory Wissenschaftler KJ
Strnat und G. Hoffer entdeckt Yttrium magnettrommel -und Kobaltlegierungen YCo5 , die magnetische Anisotropie konstant
jeden Datensatz als jedes andere bekannte Material , höher zu sein
Samarium-Kobalt- Magneten
1.05 und der Name SmCo SmCo 5, SmCo5 , besteht aus Samarium-Kobalt- Metall oder einem Metallteil aus Metall Praseodym, Samarium -Verhältnis um einen bestimmten Prozentsatz , nach dem Schmelzen , Zerkleinern, ersetzt
Drucktyp, von gesinterten stabmagneten magnetischen Material. Mehrere hoher Leistung im Bereich von 16 bis 25 , die maximale Betriebstemperatur von 250 ℃, die maximale Energieprodukt Samarium -Kobalt-Magneten 2.17
Eisen ist gering, aber die Duktilität und mechanischen Eigenschaften etwas besser als 2.17 , Bearbeitung einfacher , anders als bei Verwendung eines SmCo 02.17 schwächer , so Samarium -Kobalt-Magneten geeignet 01.05
02.17 Uhr in Form eines Samarium-Kobalt -Legierung schwierig, Daten zu verarbeiten verarbeitet. Zum Beispiel die Wandstärke der dünnen Wafer oder spezielle , Quadrat, Kreis, und eine Vielzahl von komplex geformten und so weiter. 1.05 Ein weiterer Samarium
Magnetisierungs magnetische Kobalt Magnetfeld weniger als 2.17 Samarium -Kobalt-Magneten , in der Regel zu 40.000 Quadermagnet Gauss magnetische Sättigungsmagnetisierung , hohe Dichte und 02.17 Samarium -Kobalt-Magneten Magnetisierungsfeld zu
60000 Gauß oder höhere Preise für Seltene Erden haben in letzter Zeit dramatisch gestiegen, Formulierungen 01.05 Samarium -Kobalt-Magneten auf fast 40 % der seltenen Erden -Gehalt , so dass der Preis von 2.17 Samarium -Kobalt-Magneten
Viel höher ist, können Benutzer ihre eigenen Design mit einer vernünftige Wahl zu 1.05 oder 2.17 Samarium- Kobalt-Magneten zu verwenden. Wenn Benutzer detaillierte Samarium 1.05 wissen
Kobalt-Magnete Informationen können Sie auf den "Service & Support" in Absprache Kontakt Support klicken . 01.05 Samarium -Kobalt-Magneten für verschiedene Sorten von Magnet klicken Sie bitte auf " Samarium-Kobalt- Magnet
Eisen- Performance Tabelle " Physikalische Eigenschaften klicken Sie bitte auf die " Anwendung der Technik " in der Einleitung.
Anwendungen Einführung
Auch bekannt als Samarium-Kobalt SmCo- Magneten , Samarium -Kobalt-Permanentmagneten, Samarium-Kobalt- Permanentmagnete Seltenerd- Kobalt-Permanent . Für Samarium-Kobalt und anderen Metallen, Seltene-Erden -Materialien in den richtigen Proportionen ,
Machen Schmelzlegierungen, blockmagnete Zerkleinern, Druckausführung , aus einem magnetischen Material nach dem Sintern , hohe Energie- Produkt , niedrigen Temperaturkoeffizienten , maximale Arbeitstemperatur bis zu 350 ℃ gemacht ,
Negative Temperaturbegrenzung in der Betriebstemperatur von über 180 ℃, die maximale Energieprodukt und chemische Stabilität und Temperaturbeständigkeit sind Permanentmagnetmaterial NdFeB . Mit einer starken Korrosion
Die Korrosions-und Oxidationsbeständigkeit , so weit verbreitet in der Luft-und Raumfahrt , Rüstungsindustrie , Mikrowellengeräte , Telekommunikation , medizinische Geräte, Instrumente, Meter , alle Arten von magnetischen Übertragungseinrichtung ,
Prozessor magnetische , elektrische, magnetische Kräne.
Nützliche Tipps
(A) gesintert SmCo permanentmagnetischen Materialien eine höhere Brüchigkeit , Mangel an Skalierbarkeit , so dass die Konstruktion sollte nicht als ein Strukturelement verwendet werden ; 1.05 mechanischen und physikalischen Eigenschaften von Samarium-Kobalt- Magneten besser als 2.17
, Nicht leicht zu verarbeiten , 2,17 instabil. Samarium -Kobalt-Permanentmagnete in dem Einsatz des Montageprozesses magnetisiert sorgfältig eins nach dem anderen entfernt werden , um nicht das Eisen aus dem Pausen Besucher
Magnete und zwei Magnete oder ein Magnet anzieht Unfallschaden durch die Verletzung des menschlichen Körpers verursacht .
(2) gesinterten SmCo faires Verfahren bei der Herstellung von Verpackung und Transport wird etwas kleiner Kollisionswinkel fehlt kleinere Mängel in Erscheinung , werden sie sich nicht auf die Montage oder der normalen Funktion , nicht
Es wird beschädigt die Magnete sind seine Stabilität und Beständigkeit gegen Entmagnetisierung .
(3) , die erforderlich sind für die Nutzer Kobalt- Permanentmagneten magnetisiert, Samarium , sicher sein, um sich mit der Magnetisierungseinrichtung Magnetisierungsenergie vertraut zu machen , um eine vollständige Sättigung Magnetisierung unserer Produkte wählen
Grades .
(4) Wenn der Säureproduktdesign oder eine relativ harte , bietet das Unternehmen auch galvanisch verzinkt, Nickel-, Gold-oder Epoxid- Samarium-Kobalt- Permanentmagnet -Produkte. Nicht
Vielen Dank für die Verwendung unserer Produkte Samarium-Kobalt- Permanentmagneten , Willkommen, um ein Fax oder eine E-Mail senden , ist unser Unternehmen sehr bereit, Ihre technischen Fragen zu beantworten und sich bemühen , um Qualität
Ausgezeichnet Samarium-Kobalt- Permanentmagnet- Produkte preiswert.
Drucktyp, von gesinterten stabmagneten magnetischen Material. Mehrere hoher Leistung im Bereich von 16 bis 25 , die maximale Betriebstemperatur von 250 ℃, die maximale Energieprodukt Samarium -Kobalt-Magneten 2.17
Eisen ist gering, aber die Duktilität und mechanischen Eigenschaften etwas besser als 2.17 , Bearbeitung einfacher , anders als bei Verwendung eines SmCo 02.17 schwächer , so Samarium -Kobalt-Magneten geeignet 01.05
02.17 Uhr in Form eines Samarium-Kobalt -Legierung schwierig, Daten zu verarbeiten verarbeitet. Zum Beispiel die Wandstärke der dünnen Wafer oder spezielle , Quadrat, Kreis, und eine Vielzahl von komplex geformten und so weiter. 1.05 Ein weiterer Samarium
Magnetisierungs magnetische Kobalt Magnetfeld weniger als 2.17 Samarium -Kobalt-Magneten , in der Regel zu 40.000 Quadermagnet Gauss magnetische Sättigungsmagnetisierung , hohe Dichte und 02.17 Samarium -Kobalt-Magneten Magnetisierungsfeld zu
60000 Gauß oder höhere Preise für Seltene Erden haben in letzter Zeit dramatisch gestiegen, Formulierungen 01.05 Samarium -Kobalt-Magneten auf fast 40 % der seltenen Erden -Gehalt , so dass der Preis von 2.17 Samarium -Kobalt-Magneten
Viel höher ist, können Benutzer ihre eigenen Design mit einer vernünftige Wahl zu 1.05 oder 2.17 Samarium- Kobalt-Magneten zu verwenden. Wenn Benutzer detaillierte Samarium 1.05 wissen
Kobalt-Magnete Informationen können Sie auf den "Service & Support" in Absprache Kontakt Support klicken . 01.05 Samarium -Kobalt-Magneten für verschiedene Sorten von Magnet klicken Sie bitte auf " Samarium-Kobalt- Magnet
Eisen- Performance Tabelle " Physikalische Eigenschaften klicken Sie bitte auf die " Anwendung der Technik " in der Einleitung.
Anwendungen Einführung
Auch bekannt als Samarium-Kobalt SmCo- Magneten , Samarium -Kobalt-Permanentmagneten, Samarium-Kobalt- Permanentmagnete Seltenerd- Kobalt-Permanent . Für Samarium-Kobalt und anderen Metallen, Seltene-Erden -Materialien in den richtigen Proportionen ,
Machen Schmelzlegierungen, blockmagnete Zerkleinern, Druckausführung , aus einem magnetischen Material nach dem Sintern , hohe Energie- Produkt , niedrigen Temperaturkoeffizienten , maximale Arbeitstemperatur bis zu 350 ℃ gemacht ,
Negative Temperaturbegrenzung in der Betriebstemperatur von über 180 ℃, die maximale Energieprodukt und chemische Stabilität und Temperaturbeständigkeit sind Permanentmagnetmaterial NdFeB . Mit einer starken Korrosion
Die Korrosions-und Oxidationsbeständigkeit , so weit verbreitet in der Luft-und Raumfahrt , Rüstungsindustrie , Mikrowellengeräte , Telekommunikation , medizinische Geräte, Instrumente, Meter , alle Arten von magnetischen Übertragungseinrichtung ,
Prozessor magnetische , elektrische, magnetische Kräne.
Nützliche Tipps
(A) gesintert SmCo permanentmagnetischen Materialien eine höhere Brüchigkeit , Mangel an Skalierbarkeit , so dass die Konstruktion sollte nicht als ein Strukturelement verwendet werden ; 1.05 mechanischen und physikalischen Eigenschaften von Samarium-Kobalt- Magneten besser als 2.17
, Nicht leicht zu verarbeiten , 2,17 instabil. Samarium -Kobalt-Permanentmagnete in dem Einsatz des Montageprozesses magnetisiert sorgfältig eins nach dem anderen entfernt werden , um nicht das Eisen aus dem Pausen Besucher
Magnete und zwei Magnete oder ein Magnet anzieht Unfallschaden durch die Verletzung des menschlichen Körpers verursacht .
(2) gesinterten SmCo faires Verfahren bei der Herstellung von Verpackung und Transport wird etwas kleiner Kollisionswinkel fehlt kleinere Mängel in Erscheinung , werden sie sich nicht auf die Montage oder der normalen Funktion , nicht
Es wird beschädigt die Magnete sind seine Stabilität und Beständigkeit gegen Entmagnetisierung .
(3) , die erforderlich sind für die Nutzer Kobalt- Permanentmagneten magnetisiert, Samarium , sicher sein, um sich mit der Magnetisierungseinrichtung Magnetisierungsenergie vertraut zu machen , um eine vollständige Sättigung Magnetisierung unserer Produkte wählen
Grades .
(4) Wenn der Säureproduktdesign oder eine relativ harte , bietet das Unternehmen auch galvanisch verzinkt, Nickel-, Gold-oder Epoxid- Samarium-Kobalt- Permanentmagnet -Produkte. Nicht
Vielen Dank für die Verwendung unserer Produkte Samarium-Kobalt- Permanentmagneten , Willkommen, um ein Fax oder eine E-Mail senden , ist unser Unternehmen sehr bereit, Ihre technischen Fragen zu beantworten und sich bemühen , um Qualität
Ausgezeichnet Samarium-Kobalt- Permanentmagnet- Produkte preiswert.
Experts teach you the identification of stainless steel with a magnet
Sometimes sunny and sometimes rainy weather recently , the home of the stainless steel security mesh and balcony rails many residents through sun and rain , rust stains appear , therefore residents doubt , why stainless steel will rust ?
North , who lives a mile long mound Ms. Foo , by the end of July at a price of 60 yuan per square meter installed stainless steel windows, but after just two weeks, she was found to have the rust stains on the new stainless steel security windows. She found a loaded anti-theft window shop owner request a replacement , but the store owner said they did not assume any responsibility , and told Ms. Foo unless it is on the hundred dollars one square meter stainless steel anti-theft window , magnetic separator or certainly rust. She was very strange , why would rust stainless steel it ?
Yesterday around 11:00 , the reporter went along Mingxiu East , North Lake Road in stainless steel material learned more concentrated , with stainless steel doors and other building materials are just as high, medium and low-grade and high-quality and low-quality of the points, the price per square meters from tens of dollars to 300 dollars. Sau Ming Road, operating a stainless steel boss said after the oxide layer fillet surface is oxidized when assembling doors away, the welding of stainless steel is not only possible rust. In addition, the poor quality of the material will rust .
■ Tips
How to identify lifting magnet stainless steel Nanning Deputy Chief of Quality and Technical Supervision standardization Colin told reporters , "stainless steel " is just a generic name of the standard is " acid and alkali steel " stainless steel is chrome on the basis of ordinary steel , nickel and other metals elements and steel products , nickel, molybdenum , titanium and other metal elements made content is higher, the better the quality of stainless steel . The traditional identification methods magnetic tools is to use a magnet suction , magnetic smaller better the quality.
Good quality and high-grade stainless steel doors and windows generally light, bending of the strong, small deformation, color shiny and smooth , and thicker than the thickness magnetic coat hooks of the poor quality of some . In addition, a wide range of stainless steel window profiles , different even though the same profile, because the manufacturers optional steel liner , accessories, hardware, different level of processing , installation and service levels , quality windows and doors will have a greater difference .
North , who lives a mile long mound Ms. Foo , by the end of July at a price of 60 yuan per square meter installed stainless steel windows, but after just two weeks, she was found to have the rust stains on the new stainless steel security windows. She found a loaded anti-theft window shop owner request a replacement , but the store owner said they did not assume any responsibility , and told Ms. Foo unless it is on the hundred dollars one square meter stainless steel anti-theft window , magnetic separator or certainly rust. She was very strange , why would rust stainless steel it ?
Yesterday around 11:00 , the reporter went along Mingxiu East , North Lake Road in stainless steel material learned more concentrated , with stainless steel doors and other building materials are just as high, medium and low-grade and high-quality and low-quality of the points, the price per square meters from tens of dollars to 300 dollars. Sau Ming Road, operating a stainless steel boss said after the oxide layer fillet surface is oxidized when assembling doors away, the welding of stainless steel is not only possible rust. In addition, the poor quality of the material will rust .
■ Tips
How to identify lifting magnet stainless steel Nanning Deputy Chief of Quality and Technical Supervision standardization Colin told reporters , "stainless steel " is just a generic name of the standard is " acid and alkali steel " stainless steel is chrome on the basis of ordinary steel , nickel and other metals elements and steel products , nickel, molybdenum , titanium and other metal elements made content is higher, the better the quality of stainless steel . The traditional identification methods magnetic tools is to use a magnet suction , magnetic smaller better the quality.
Good quality and high-grade stainless steel doors and windows generally light, bending of the strong, small deformation, color shiny and smooth , and thicker than the thickness magnetic coat hooks of the poor quality of some . In addition, a wide range of stainless steel window profiles , different even though the same profile, because the manufacturers optional steel liner , accessories, hardware, different level of processing , installation and service levels , quality windows and doors will have a greater difference .
ampliamente utilizado en la industria de la maquinaria, la vibración del separador de metales se concentran grado?
Vibrante tendencias dispositivo separador magnético industria de equipos de aplicación es más pequeño, las empresas de distribución, muchos datos de las empresas, especialmente las PYME más dispersa, los datos son difíciles de obtener, voy a ser los datos de la empresa representante de la industria como una variable proxy para reflejar condiciones generales de la industria, y el proceso se utiliza en el análisis de los análisis de correlación. equipo minero tiene su propio conjunto de métodos de conservación, separador de vibración no es la excepción, el equipo no siempre puede conseguir una buena eficacia de la conservación trabajar, ya veces incluso afectar a toda la línea de programación de la producción.
Separador magnético en el año 2008, cuando el tamaño de mercado de alrededor de 1,1 millones de dólares, en 2009, al vibrar dispositivo de separación de la minería del carbón y el lavado total del sector de la construcción creció un 53,1%, la escala de la construcción en un aumento neto de 84,4%, mostrando fuerte impulso de crecimiento. Acelerada inversión en activos fijos bajo el tirón de la minería de carbón de China y el lavado de la industria de inversión en activos fijos creció un 27,4%, incluyendo las herramientas de compra de equipos, además de 24,4% positivos. Separador magnético, como la minería de carbón y el lavado de los equipos necesarios, se puede obtener una tasa de crecimiento más rápido. Ahora un fabricante profesional en Henan Yu hizo a presentar a la conservación de separador de vibraciones a través de:
(A) se centran en la máquina magnética antes y después de las condiciones de trabajo de dispositivos asociados, especialmente en frente de debilitamiento, escoria y otras operaciones deben prepararse adecuadamente para la operación magnética.
(2) Indicador de temperatura del reductor debe reportar inmediatamente el líder del taller, aparcamiento View disposición.
(3) se centran en la tarea de lubricación y refrigeración aumento de la temperatura del aceite es demasiado alta para ser informado al director del taller, con el fin de adoptar las medidas necesarias, tales como el tiempo de inactividad.
(4) la placa dieléctrica declaró cadena no está bloqueado, se adhieren limpiarse una vez 20 a 30 días, la placa regular de reemplazo dieléctrico (por ejemplo, un año o seis meses, dependiendo de la condición de la placa de desgaste de los dientes), y se centran en los tornillos del prensaestopas para apretar.
(5) El momento sustituir al petróleo.
(6) se centran en investigar el indicador de presión de aceite, manómetro, voltímetro, amperímetro puntero si la capacidad de lectura sensible a satisfacer las peticiones, identificar los problemas y la eliminación oportuna de encontrar personal pertinente.
ampliamente utilizado en la industria de la maquinaria, la vibración del separador de metales se concentran grado?
Vibrante tendencias dispositivo separador magnético industria de equipos de aplicación es más pequeño, las empresas de distribución, muchos datos de las empresas, especialmente las PYME más dispersa, los datos son difíciles de obtener, voy a ser los datos de la empresa representante de la industria como una variable proxy para reflejar condiciones generales de la industria, y el proceso se utiliza en el análisis de los análisis de correlación. equipo minero tiene su propio conjunto de métodos de conservación, separador de vibración no es la excepción, el equipo no siempre puede conseguir una buena eficacia de la conservación trabajar, ya veces incluso afectar a toda la línea de programación de la producción.
Separador magnético en el año 2008, cuando el tamaño de mercado de alrededor de 1,1 millones de dólares, en 2009, al vibrar dispositivo de separación de la minería del carbón y el lavado total del sector de la construcción creció un 53,1%, la escala de la construcción en un aumento neto de 84,4%, mostrando fuerte impulso de crecimiento. Acelerada inversión en activos fijos bajo el tirón de la minería de carbón de China y el lavado de la industria de inversión en activos fijos creció un 27,4%, incluyendo las herramientas de compra de equipos, además de 24,4% positivos. Separador magnético, como la minería de carbón y el lavado de los equipos necesarios, se puede obtener una tasa de crecimiento más rápido. Ahora un fabricante profesional en Henan Yu hizo a presentar a la conservación de separador de vibraciones a través de:
(A) se centran en la máquina magnética antes y después de las condiciones de trabajo de dispositivos asociados, especialmente en frente de debilitamiento, escoria y otras operaciones deben prepararse adecuadamente para la operación magnética.
(2) Indicador de temperatura del reductor debe reportar inmediatamente el líder del taller, aparcamiento View disposición.
(3) se centran en la tarea de lubricación y refrigeración aumento de la temperatura del aceite es demasiado alta para ser informado al director del taller, con el fin de adoptar las medidas necesarias, tales como el tiempo de inactividad.
(4) la placa dieléctrica declaró cadena no está bloqueado, se adhieren limpiarse una vez 20 a 30 días, la placa regular de reemplazo dieléctrico (por ejemplo, un año o seis meses, dependiendo de la condición de la placa de desgaste de los dientes), y se centran en los tornillos del prensaestopas para apretar.
(5) El momento sustituir al petróleo.
(6) se centran en investigar el indicador de presión de aceite, manómetro, voltímetro, amperímetro puntero si la capacidad de lectura sensible a satisfacer las peticiones, identificar los problemas y la eliminación oportuna de encontrar personal pertinente.
What is a drum
Drum is used as an internal memory. Of aluminum drum, the drum is coated magnetic material to store data. Drum rotation speed is high, so the access speed. It uses the saturation magnetic recording head from fixed to floating head development, from the use of magnetic glue developed to continuous magnetic media by electroplating. These are Drawer Magnet later laid the foundation for disk storage.
The biggest drawback is the drum utilization is not high, only the surface layer of a large cylinder for storage, use both sides of the disk to store, apparently utilization is much higher. Therefore, when the disk appears, the drum was eliminated.
Drum is a key component of the camera, and its performance has a direct impact on the quality records, so use should be doubly care to prolong its life.
The biggest drawback is the drum utilization is not high, only the surface layer of a large cylinder for storage, use both sides of the disk to store, apparently utilization is much higher. Therefore, when the disk appears, the drum was eliminated.
Drum is a key component of the camera, and its performance has a direct impact on the quality records, so use should be doubly care to prolong its life.
Magnetic grid scale performance
Magnetic scale ulnar body may meet certain requirements of the hard magnetic alloy. Can also be coated with a layer of hard magnetic alloy magnetic material. Made of magnetic scale on the magnetic properties of hard magnetic alloys should have the following requirements:
1) good magnetic material should have a larger remanence and coercivity, ie material hysteresis loop should be bigger than the fat.
2) good magnetic name tags homogeneity of the magnetic material more uniform as possible to ensure that after the recording magnetic remanence equal in magnitude, otherwise it will affect the accuracy of the magnetic grid.
3) good magnetic stability of materials for the magnetic remanence after the time there should not extend as soon weaken performance.
4) good mechanical properties of the material should have high mechanical strength, hardness and abrasion resistance, easy to machine and less susceptible to external changes in temperature and humidity.
5) to ensure a certain degree of frequency characteristics of the residual magnetization in a record on the request of the desired frequency (wavelength) of the wave.
The hard magnetic Drawer Magnet alloy used Cu-Ni-Fe alloy or Fe-Cr-Co alloy; conventional magnetic coating composition is Ni, Co, P.
1) good magnetic material should have a larger remanence and coercivity, ie material hysteresis loop should be bigger than the fat.
2) good magnetic name tags homogeneity of the magnetic material more uniform as possible to ensure that after the recording magnetic remanence equal in magnitude, otherwise it will affect the accuracy of the magnetic grid.
3) good magnetic stability of materials for the magnetic remanence after the time there should not extend as soon weaken performance.
4) good mechanical properties of the material should have high mechanical strength, hardness and abrasion resistance, easy to machine and less susceptible to external changes in temperature and humidity.
5) to ensure a certain degree of frequency characteristics of the residual magnetization in a record on the request of the desired frequency (wavelength) of the wave.
The hard magnetic Drawer Magnet alloy used Cu-Ni-Fe alloy or Fe-Cr-Co alloy; conventional magnetic coating composition is Ni, Co, P.
why the magnetic coil is energized
Open Category: Amp RULE
With internal core, the use of a current through a coil it like a magnet with a magnetic device called a solenoid, English Scientific name: Solenoid usually made from strip or
Horseshoe. Core magnetic systems magnetization easy to use, and easy to disappear magnetic soft iron or silicon to the system to do. Such a magnetic solenoid when energized, power outages after disappeared. Electricity
Magnet has many advantages: the presence or absence of magnetic solenoid, you can use pass, off current control. The size of the magnetic strength of the current can be used or the number of turns of the coil to the control, but also can be changed
Variable resistance control current to control the size of magnetic size. Electromagnets in everyday life has an extremely wide range of applications. Electromagnet is a current magnetic effect (electrophysiological magnetic) of a
Applications, and life are closely connected, such as electromagnetic relays, electromagnetic crane, magnetic levitation trains.
Solenoid with internal core called electromagnets. When inserted into the core inside the solenoid is energized, the solenoid is energized the magnetic core magnetization. Magnetized core also
Into a magnet, so that the two magnetic fields overlap each other, so that a magnetic solenoid greatly enhanced. For the electromagnet magnetic stronger core system usually
Into a horseshoe. But note that the coil wound on the core horseshoe opposite, while clockwise to counter-clockwise on the other side. If around the same two coils on the core magnetization for
Using the offset each other, so that no significant magnetic core. In addition, the electromagnet with a soft iron core to do, rather than using steel to do. Otherwise, once the steel is magnetized, it will maintain long-term
Magnetic and not demagnetized, then the strength of the magnetic current can not be used to control the size, and lose the advantages of the electromagnet should
The invention of the electromagnet
In 1822, French physicist Arago and Gay-Lussac found that when the current through the winding which has iron, it can make the iron wire magnetized. This is actually the power-
Magnet principle was originally discovered. 1823, Sturgeon also did a similar experiment: He is not in a U-shaped iron bar magnet stick on bare copper around the 18 laps, when
Copper and voltaic cell is turned on, around the U-shaped iron rods the copper coils which produce a magnetic field intensity, so that the U-shaped iron rod into a piece of "electromagnet." Such electrical
Magnetic energy than the permanent magnet can be big release times, it can pick up more than 20 times its weight of iron, and when the power is cut off, U-shaped iron bar on what iron also suck live, re-
Become an ordinary iron bar.
Sturgeon electromagnet invented to make people see the magnetic energy to electrical energy into the bright future of this invention soon in the United Kingdom, cup magnet the United States and some Western European countries biography of coastal
Sowing open.
1829, U.S. scientist Henry Sturgeon electricity electromagnet device made some innovations, insulated wire instead of bare copper wire, copper wire so do not worry about being too close to
The short circuit. As the wire with the insulation layer, they can be tightly wound together around the enclosure, the more intensive the coil, the stronger the magnetic field, so that a large
Large increase the capacity of magnetic energy into electrical energy. To 1831, Henry trial out an update electromagnet, although its volume is not large, but it can pick up a
Tons of iron.
The invention also enables the electromagnet generator power has been greatly improved.
Electromagnet Description: DC solenoid and electromagnet can be divided into two major types of AC solenoids. If in accordance with the purpose to divide the electromagnet can mainly be divided into the following five categories: (
1) traction magnet - pulling mechanism is mainly used to open or close the valves, in order to perform automatic control tasks. (2) lifting magnet - used as a lifting
Lifting device ingots, steel, iron ore and other ferromagnetic materials. (3) brake solenoid - mainly used for braking the motor in order to achieve accurate parking purposes.
(4) Automatic electrical electromagnetic system - such as electromagnetic relays and contactors electromagnetic system, automatic switch and operation of the electromagnetic solenoid release and so on. (5) Others
Way solenoid - such as grinder magnetic chuck and electromagnetic vibrator.
Open Category: Physics
Represent current and current excitation magnetic field in the direction of the relationship between the sense line is set, also known as the right-hand screw rule.
(1) powered straight wire is given in amperes (amps RULE a): with the right hand holding the straight wire is energized so that the thumb pointing direction of the current, then four fingers pointing is
The direction of the magnetic induction lines surround
(2) Solenoid is given in amperes (amps given the two): with the right hand holding the solenoid is energized, the four fingers bent and current in the same direction, then under the thumb
That end of the N pole of the solenoid is energized
Line current in amperes given then for a short straight line current also apply. Ring current line currents can be seen as composed of many small pieces, each with a short straight line current current
The amp is determined given the central axis of the ring current direction of magnetic induction. Get up on the ring current superimposed central axis direction of magnetic field lines. Linear current
Amp setting is basic, the ring current in amperes can be determined by a straight line current in amperes is exported straight current in amperes given the linear motion of the charge for the magnetic field generated
Also applies, when the current direction is the same moving direction and the positive charge and negative charge movement in the opposite direction.
The HC Oersted magnetic effect of current experiments and other series of experiments, inspired, A.-M. Amp recognize the essence of current magnetic phenomena, to involve current, magnet
The various interactions between the current attributed to the interaction, for searching for the current element of the basic problems of interaction law. In order to overcome the current element can not be directly isolated
Measurement difficulties, amps designed four experiments showing zero and accompanied by thorough theoretical analysis of the results obtained. However, due to electromagnetic effects amp holding action at a distance concepts
, Was imposed in the theoretical analysis of the two current elements along the connection between the force assumptions, expectations obeys Newton's third law, the conclusion is wrong. The above formula is rejecting the erroneous
The assumption that the force along the connection, the amended result. Close-up view of the role should be understood as the current element produces a magnetic field, the magnetic field on which the current element subjected for another
Ampere's law, the Coulomb's law rather, the magnetic effect of the basic experimental laws, which determines the nature of the magnetic field, the way of calculating the current interaction.
Ampere force formula
Current element I1dι right away γ12 current element I2dι another force df12 is:
μ0 I1I2dι2 × (dι1 × γ12)
df12 = -------------
4π γ123
Where dι1, dι2 direction is the direction of current; γ12 pointing I2dι from I1dι radius vector. Ampere's law can be divided into two parts. One is the current element Idι
(I.e. the I1dι) in γ (i.e. the γ12) magnetic field generated at
μ0 Idι × γ
dB = -------
4π γ3
This is the Bi - Sa - Pull the law. The second is the current element Idl (ie above I2dι2) in a magnetic field B, the force exerted df (ie above df12) as follows:
df = Idι × B
With internal core, the use of a current through a coil it like a magnet with a magnetic device called a solenoid, English Scientific name: Solenoid usually made from strip or
Horseshoe. Core magnetic systems magnetization easy to use, and easy to disappear magnetic soft iron or silicon to the system to do. Such a magnetic solenoid when energized, power outages after disappeared. Electricity
Magnet has many advantages: the presence or absence of magnetic solenoid, you can use pass, off current control. The size of the magnetic strength of the current can be used or the number of turns of the coil to the control, but also can be changed
Variable resistance control current to control the size of magnetic size. Electromagnets in everyday life has an extremely wide range of applications. Electromagnet is a current magnetic effect (electrophysiological magnetic) of a
Applications, and life are closely connected, such as electromagnetic relays, electromagnetic crane, magnetic levitation trains.
Solenoid with internal core called electromagnets. When inserted into the core inside the solenoid is energized, the solenoid is energized the magnetic core magnetization. Magnetized core also
Into a magnet, so that the two magnetic fields overlap each other, so that a magnetic solenoid greatly enhanced. For the electromagnet magnetic stronger core system usually
Into a horseshoe. But note that the coil wound on the core horseshoe opposite, while clockwise to counter-clockwise on the other side. If around the same two coils on the core magnetization for
Using the offset each other, so that no significant magnetic core. In addition, the electromagnet with a soft iron core to do, rather than using steel to do. Otherwise, once the steel is magnetized, it will maintain long-term
Magnetic and not demagnetized, then the strength of the magnetic current can not be used to control the size, and lose the advantages of the electromagnet should
The invention of the electromagnet
In 1822, French physicist Arago and Gay-Lussac found that when the current through the winding which has iron, it can make the iron wire magnetized. This is actually the power-
Magnet principle was originally discovered. 1823, Sturgeon also did a similar experiment: He is not in a U-shaped iron bar magnet stick on bare copper around the 18 laps, when
Copper and voltaic cell is turned on, around the U-shaped iron rods the copper coils which produce a magnetic field intensity, so that the U-shaped iron rod into a piece of "electromagnet." Such electrical
Magnetic energy than the permanent magnet can be big release times, it can pick up more than 20 times its weight of iron, and when the power is cut off, U-shaped iron bar on what iron also suck live, re-
Become an ordinary iron bar.
Sturgeon electromagnet invented to make people see the magnetic energy to electrical energy into the bright future of this invention soon in the United Kingdom, cup magnet the United States and some Western European countries biography of coastal
Sowing open.
1829, U.S. scientist Henry Sturgeon electricity electromagnet device made some innovations, insulated wire instead of bare copper wire, copper wire so do not worry about being too close to
The short circuit. As the wire with the insulation layer, they can be tightly wound together around the enclosure, the more intensive the coil, the stronger the magnetic field, so that a large
Large increase the capacity of magnetic energy into electrical energy. To 1831, Henry trial out an update electromagnet, although its volume is not large, but it can pick up a
Tons of iron.
The invention also enables the electromagnet generator power has been greatly improved.
Electromagnet Description: DC solenoid and electromagnet can be divided into two major types of AC solenoids. If in accordance with the purpose to divide the electromagnet can mainly be divided into the following five categories: (
1) traction magnet - pulling mechanism is mainly used to open or close the valves, in order to perform automatic control tasks. (2) lifting magnet - used as a lifting
Lifting device ingots, steel, iron ore and other ferromagnetic materials. (3) brake solenoid - mainly used for braking the motor in order to achieve accurate parking purposes.
(4) Automatic electrical electromagnetic system - such as electromagnetic relays and contactors electromagnetic system, automatic switch and operation of the electromagnetic solenoid release and so on. (5) Others
Way solenoid - such as grinder magnetic chuck and electromagnetic vibrator.
Open Category: Physics
Represent current and current excitation magnetic field in the direction of the relationship between the sense line is set, also known as the right-hand screw rule.
(1) powered straight wire is given in amperes (amps RULE a): with the right hand holding the straight wire is energized so that the thumb pointing direction of the current, then four fingers pointing is
The direction of the magnetic induction lines surround
(2) Solenoid is given in amperes (amps given the two): with the right hand holding the solenoid is energized, the four fingers bent and current in the same direction, then under the thumb
That end of the N pole of the solenoid is energized
Line current in amperes given then for a short straight line current also apply. Ring current line currents can be seen as composed of many small pieces, each with a short straight line current current
The amp is determined given the central axis of the ring current direction of magnetic induction. Get up on the ring current superimposed central axis direction of magnetic field lines. Linear current
Amp setting is basic, the ring current in amperes can be determined by a straight line current in amperes is exported straight current in amperes given the linear motion of the charge for the magnetic field generated
Also applies, when the current direction is the same moving direction and the positive charge and negative charge movement in the opposite direction.
The HC Oersted magnetic effect of current experiments and other series of experiments, inspired, A.-M. Amp recognize the essence of current magnetic phenomena, to involve current, magnet
The various interactions between the current attributed to the interaction, for searching for the current element of the basic problems of interaction law. In order to overcome the current element can not be directly isolated
Measurement difficulties, amps designed four experiments showing zero and accompanied by thorough theoretical analysis of the results obtained. However, due to electromagnetic effects amp holding action at a distance concepts
, Was imposed in the theoretical analysis of the two current elements along the connection between the force assumptions, expectations obeys Newton's third law, the conclusion is wrong. The above formula is rejecting the erroneous
The assumption that the force along the connection, the amended result. Close-up view of the role should be understood as the current element produces a magnetic field, the magnetic field on which the current element subjected for another
Ampere's law, the Coulomb's law rather, the magnetic effect of the basic experimental laws, which determines the nature of the magnetic field, the way of calculating the current interaction.
Ampere force formula
Current element I1dι right away γ12 current element I2dι another force df12 is:
μ0 I1I2dι2 × (dι1 × γ12)
df12 = -------------
4π γ123
Where dι1, dι2 direction is the direction of current; γ12 pointing I2dι from I1dι radius vector. Ampere's law can be divided into two parts. One is the current element Idι
(I.e. the I1dι) in γ (i.e. the γ12) magnetic field generated at
μ0 Idι × γ
dB = -------
4π γ3
This is the Bi - Sa - Pull the law. The second is the current element Idl (ie above I2dι2) in a magnetic field B, the force exerted df (ie above df12) as follows:
df = Idι × B
the electromagnet data
With internal core, the use of a current through a coil it like a magnet with a magnetic device called a solenoid, usually made from bar or horseshoe. Easy to use core
Magnetization, magnetic and easy to disappear to soft iron or silicon steel making. Such a magnetic solenoid when energized, power outages after disappeared. Electromagnet has many advantages: Electromagnetic
Presence or Drawer Magnet absence of ferromagnetism can be used to pass, off current control. The size of the magnetic strength of the current can be used or the number of turns to control. Electromagnets in everyday life has an extremely
Wide range of applications. Electromagnet is a current magnetic effect (electrophysiological magnetic) of an application, and life are closely connected, such as electromagnetic relays, magnetic crane, magnetic levitation train
And so on.
The invention of the electromagnet
In 1822, French physicist Arago and Gay-Lussac found that when the current through the winding which has iron, it can make the iron wire magnetized. This is actually the power-
Magnet principle was originally discovered. 1823, Sturgeon also did a similar experiment: He is not in a U-shaped iron bar magnet stick on bare copper around the 18 laps, when
Copper and voltaic cell is turned on, around the U-shaped iron rods the copper coils which produce a magnetic field intensity, so that the U-shaped iron rod into a piece of "electromagnet." Such electrical
Magnetic energy than the permanent magnet can be big release times, it can pick up more than 20 times its weight of iron, and when the power is cut off, U-shaped iron bar on what iron also suck live, re-
Become an ordinary iron bar.
Sturgeon cup magnet electromagnet invented to make people see the magnetic energy to electrical energy into the bright future of this invention soon in the United Kingdom, the United States and some Western European countries biography of coastal
Sowing open.
1829, U.S. scientist Henry Sturgeon electricity electromagnet device made some innovations, insulated wire instead of bare copper wire, copper wire so do not worry about being too close to
The short circuit. As the wire with the insulation layer, they can be tightly wound together around the enclosure, the more intensive the coil, the stronger the magnetic field, so that a large
Large increase the capacity of magnetic energy into electrical energy. To 1831, Henry trial out an update electromagnet, although its volume is not large, but it can pick up a
Tons of iron.
The invention also enables the electromagnet generator power has been greatly improved.
Electromagnet Description: DC solenoid and electromagnet can be divided into two major types of AC solenoids. If in accordance with the purpose to divide the electromagnet can mainly be divided into the following five categories: (
1) traction magnet - pulling mechanism is mainly used to open or close the valves, in order to perform automatic control tasks. (2) lifting magnet - used as a lifting
Lifting device ingots, steel, iron ore and other ferromagnetic materials. (3) brake solenoid - mainly used for braking the motor in order to achieve accurate parking purposes.
(4) Automatic electrical electromagnetic system - such as electromagnetic relays and contactors electromagnetic system, automatic switch and operation of the electromagnetic solenoid release and so on. (5) Others
Way solenoid - such as grinder magnetic chuck and electromagnetic vibrator.
With internal core, the use of a current through a coil it like a magnet with a magnetic device called a solenoid, usually made from bar or horseshoe. Easy to use core
Magnetization, magnetic and easy to disappear to soft iron or silicon steel making. Such a magnetic solenoid when energized, power outages after disappeared. Electromagnet has many advantages: Electromagnetic
Presence or Drawer Magnet absence of ferromagnetism can be used to pass, off current control. The size of the magnetic strength of the current can be used or the number of turns to control. Electromagnets in everyday life has an extremely
Wide range of applications. Electromagnet is a current magnetic effect (electrophysiological magnetic) of an application, and life are closely connected, such as electromagnetic relays, magnetic crane, magnetic levitation train
And so on.
The invention of the electromagnet
In 1822, French physicist Arago and Gay-Lussac found that when the current through the winding which has iron, it can make the iron wire magnetized. This is actually the power-
Magnet principle was originally discovered. 1823, Sturgeon also did a similar experiment: He is not in a U-shaped iron bar magnet stick on bare copper around the 18 laps, when
Copper and voltaic cell is turned on, around the U-shaped iron rods the copper coils which produce a magnetic field intensity, so that the U-shaped iron rod into a piece of "electromagnet." Such electrical
Magnetic energy than the permanent magnet can be big release times, it can pick up more than 20 times its weight of iron, and when the power is cut off, U-shaped iron bar on what iron also suck live, re-
Become an ordinary iron bar.
Sturgeon cup magnet electromagnet invented to make people see the magnetic energy to electrical energy into the bright future of this invention soon in the United Kingdom, the United States and some Western European countries biography of coastal
Sowing open.
1829, U.S. scientist Henry Sturgeon electricity electromagnet device made some innovations, insulated wire instead of bare copper wire, copper wire so do not worry about being too close to
The short circuit. As the wire with the insulation layer, they can be tightly wound together around the enclosure, the more intensive the coil, the stronger the magnetic field, so that a large
Large increase the capacity of magnetic energy into electrical energy. To 1831, Henry trial out an update electromagnet, although its volume is not large, but it can pick up a
Tons of iron.
The invention also enables the electromagnet generator power has been greatly improved.
Electromagnet Description: DC solenoid and electromagnet can be divided into two major types of AC solenoids. If in accordance with the purpose to divide the electromagnet can mainly be divided into the following five categories: (
1) traction magnet - pulling mechanism is mainly used to open or close the valves, in order to perform automatic control tasks. (2) lifting magnet - used as a lifting
Lifting device ingots, steel, iron ore and other ferromagnetic materials. (3) brake solenoid - mainly used for braking the motor in order to achieve accurate parking purposes.
(4) Automatic electrical electromagnetic system - such as electromagnetic relays and contactors electromagnetic system, automatic switch and operation of the electromagnetic solenoid release and so on. (5) Others
Way solenoid - such as grinder magnetic chuck and electromagnetic vibrator.
permanent lifting Precautions
1 lifting, first by lifting the workpiece surface is clean, if rust leather and spurs should be cleaned. Permanent lifting of the center of gravity of the workpiece centerline best lines coincide, then
Jack placed on the work surface, rotate the handle from the "-" sign position to the "+" direction of rotation to limit sales. Check the security lever is automatically locked ramp,
Then lifting.
(2) lift the workpiece when Magnetic Grates the non-overloading, non-human from below through the workpiece, the workpiece to be hanging temperature and ambient temperature less than 80 degrees, no severe vibration and shock.
3 lifting cylindrical workpiece, keep B-groove connection with the workpiece in contact angle of two straight lines, so it's only rated from gravity gravity from 30% -50%.
4 After completion of lifting, pressing inward to understand the handle button on the handle off the security key and security detachment. Handle the "+" to "-" sign to the rotation stopper pin. Make
Lifter is turned off, knock off parts and jack off.
Jack placed on the work surface, rotate the handle from the "-" sign position to the "+" direction of rotation to limit sales. Check the security lever is automatically locked ramp,
Then lifting.
(2) lift the workpiece when Magnetic Grates the non-overloading, non-human from below through the workpiece, the workpiece to be hanging temperature and ambient temperature less than 80 degrees, no severe vibration and shock.
3 lifting cylindrical workpiece, keep B-groove connection with the workpiece in contact angle of two straight lines, so it's only rated from gravity gravity from 30% -50%.
4 After completion of lifting, pressing inward to understand the handle button on the handle off the security key and security detachment. Handle the "+" to "-" sign to the rotation stopper pin. Make
Lifter is turned off, knock off parts and jack off.
the performance characteristics of the magnetic drum
1 depleted iron ore by crushing or broken in after roughing, excluding waste rock, etc., improve quality, reduce process under a load.
(2) reduction of hematite Magnetic Grates closed for roasting operations will not fully restore ore sorting, return and then burn.
3 for the ceramics industry will porcelain mud mixed iron removal, improve quality of ceramic products.
4 burning coal, foundry sand, refractory, and other lines of iron work to be required.
(2) reduction of hematite Magnetic Grates closed for roasting operations will not fully restore ore sorting, return and then burn.
3 for the ceramics industry will porcelain mud mixed iron removal, improve quality of ceramic products.
4 burning coal, foundry sand, refractory, and other lines of iron work to be required.
samarium cobalt magnet has the following three advantages:
1 samarium cobalt magnets with excellent corrosion resistance, no protective film covering the surface.
2 samarium cobalt wet separator have good resistance to high temperature performance, most of the Curie temperature exceeds 800
3 samarium cobalt magnet and a good stability of the ultra-high magnetic properties.
2 samarium cobalt wet separator have good resistance to high temperature performance, most of the Curie temperature exceeds 800
3 samarium cobalt magnet and a good stability of the ultra-high magnetic properties.
the period of use magnet
Magnet in contact with the process of the fluid, the interior of the magnetic energy will produce some irreversible loss, when the loss exceeds 30% of the original strength, or the removal of the metal coated
Drop, stainless steel pipe wet separator ruptured when worn. When faced with these situations should be timely replacement bar magnet, the magnet must not allow the magnet has been leaked to continue working
Made. Magnets are relatively brittle, oil coated on the surface, this will impact on the environment. In China, the production of magnets can work under heavy 1-2 years
, If it is to work under light load 7-8 years.
Drop, stainless steel pipe wet separator ruptured when worn. When faced with these situations should be timely replacement bar magnet, the magnet must not allow the magnet has been leaked to continue working
Made. Magnets are relatively brittle, oil coated on the surface, this will impact on the environment. In China, the production of magnets can work under heavy 1-2 years
, If it is to work under light load 7-8 years.
a comprehensive analysis of magnetic rods
Magnetic rods refined through five steps. Magnetic rods from the core and the internal and external cladding composed of cylindrical magnet core also includes a magnet blocks and turn slices. Magnetic force
Stick all the configuration stainless steel protective cover, effectively protect the magnetic rods to be easily damaged. Iron chelating convenient; pull magnetic rods, magnetic rods adsorbed on the automatic separation of ferromagnetic material
Fall. Continuous work; Magnetic Grate drill platoon iron raw material extraction can continue to work without pause feed.
Magnetic wand over raw material mainly used in iron pin; filter various fine powder and liquid, semi-liquid iron impurities and other substances with a magnetic band, currently the most widely
Pan used in chemical, food, waste recycling, carbon black and other fields. Magnetic rods can also be customized according to customer's specific requirements. Due to use of special high coercivity magnetic king, silica gel or argon
Arc sealed and the use of special scientific process making. And is widely used in chemical, food, waste recycling, carbon black and other fields.
Stick all the configuration stainless steel protective cover, effectively protect the magnetic rods to be easily damaged. Iron chelating convenient; pull magnetic rods, magnetic rods adsorbed on the automatic separation of ferromagnetic material
Fall. Continuous work; Magnetic Grate drill platoon iron raw material extraction can continue to work without pause feed.
Magnetic wand over raw material mainly used in iron pin; filter various fine powder and liquid, semi-liquid iron impurities and other substances with a magnetic band, currently the most widely
Pan used in chemical, food, waste recycling, carbon black and other fields. Magnetic rods can also be customized according to customer's specific requirements. Due to use of special high coercivity magnetic king, silica gel or argon
Arc sealed and the use of special scientific process making. And is widely used in chemical, food, waste recycling, carbon black and other fields.
the magnetic drum face selection
Magnetic rotary drum is a permanent addition to iron device doubles as a drive roller use, can automatically separate the continuous non-magnetic materials on the conveyor belt ferromagnetic inclusions miscellaneous
Quality. This series of magnetic separator roll and suspension joint use, you can remove the thick layer of miscellaneous iron. The following summarizes the magnetic drum face options:
1, power is not, a narrow belt, dry environment, the case of a short distance transportation, the choice of the magnetic roller surface plate.
2, high power, long Magnetic Grate transport distances (greater than 90m), humid environment, dirty mud, recommended use coated surface magnetic roller.
3, for important occasions conveyors, recommended preferred coated surface magnetic roller.
4, herringbone pattern rubber surface friction coefficient, slip resistance performance is good drainage, but directional. Order must indicate the left side of the shaft herringbone rubber roller, or right out
Axis herringbone rubber surface roller.
5, diamond plastic surface magnetic roller conveyor for bidirectional operation.
Quality. This series of magnetic separator roll and suspension joint use, you can remove the thick layer of miscellaneous iron. The following summarizes the magnetic drum face options:
1, power is not, a narrow belt, dry environment, the case of a short distance transportation, the choice of the magnetic roller surface plate.
2, high power, long Magnetic Grate transport distances (greater than 90m), humid environment, dirty mud, recommended use coated surface magnetic roller.
3, for important occasions conveyors, recommended preferred coated surface magnetic roller.
4, herringbone pattern rubber surface friction coefficient, slip resistance performance is good drainage, but directional. Order must indicate the left side of the shaft herringbone rubber roller, or right out
Axis herringbone rubber surface roller.
5, diamond plastic surface magnetic roller conveyor for bidirectional operation.
flotation machine little critical moment can reuse the stator
The rapid development of the domestic flotation machine to give a great help, mineral flotation machine is more complex structure of the production line one of the devices, so many of them zero
Items are relatively small and complicated, but we can not be ignored, because the lack of these small parts flotation machine is unable to work, and even a coin, a screw
All has its own role. Then you know that the flotation machine impeller periphery of the stator, what is it? The name says it all may feel unfamiliar
Because very few people Drawer magnets have heard of it, but its role is very large, it is actually called a cover is used with the rotor tie, this will help create a negative pressure to midge
While improving slurry circulation, play a guiding role.
And our usual slot flotation machine impeller has a stator periphery, the periphery of the impeller Most bars have a stator. Only umbrella rod steady flow impeller with a bottom
Plate instead of a stator, which is caused due to such wheel movement caused by the downward slurry. Generally, flotation machine stator consists of flotation in the impeller cover or bottom mounting certain number
Fixed vanes composition. Flotation machine stator impeller main role is to be thrown into a tangential movement slurry axial movement of the impeller around the rapid expansion pulp
With the rotation of the impeller does not spread to to ensure that the pulp at the impeller exit relative velocity of the blade tip to maximum circumferential speed of the impeller substantially to obtain maximum charge
Gas; stator Another role is to be thrown out of the slurry flow impeller serves as a guide.
The flotation machine stator vanes radiate radiating large, but also along the impeller rotation direction 60 ° -70 ° angle of installation, installation can be guaranteed with the bevel wheel thrown
The pulp of the mainstream flow direction, thereby reducing head loss when the fluid outlet, so that slurry flow unimpeded spread out. The stator on the size of the bubble flotation pulp
Not play a decisive role, but the direct impact on the inflated amount. With the impeller, gradual wear of the stator, the stator impeller and the gap increases, the inflatable flotation machine was significantly less
Small, serious when can the flotation machine is not working properly. In summary, we can see a flotation machine impeller subsystem design is extremely diverse.
Items are relatively small and complicated, but we can not be ignored, because the lack of these small parts flotation machine is unable to work, and even a coin, a screw
All has its own role. Then you know that the flotation machine impeller periphery of the stator, what is it? The name says it all may feel unfamiliar
Because very few people Drawer magnets have heard of it, but its role is very large, it is actually called a cover is used with the rotor tie, this will help create a negative pressure to midge
While improving slurry circulation, play a guiding role.
And our usual slot flotation machine impeller has a stator periphery, the periphery of the impeller Most bars have a stator. Only umbrella rod steady flow impeller with a bottom
Plate instead of a stator, which is caused due to such wheel movement caused by the downward slurry. Generally, flotation machine stator consists of flotation in the impeller cover or bottom mounting certain number
Fixed vanes composition. Flotation machine stator impeller main role is to be thrown into a tangential movement slurry axial movement of the impeller around the rapid expansion pulp
With the rotation of the impeller does not spread to to ensure that the pulp at the impeller exit relative velocity of the blade tip to maximum circumferential speed of the impeller substantially to obtain maximum charge
Gas; stator Another role is to be thrown out of the slurry flow impeller serves as a guide.
The flotation machine stator vanes radiate radiating large, but also along the impeller rotation direction 60 ° -70 ° angle of installation, installation can be guaranteed with the bevel wheel thrown
The pulp of the mainstream flow direction, thereby reducing head loss when the fluid outlet, so that slurry flow unimpeded spread out. The stator on the size of the bubble flotation pulp
Not play a decisive role, but the direct impact on the inflated amount. With the impeller, gradual wear of the stator, the stator impeller and the gap increases, the inflatable flotation machine was significantly less
Small, serious when can the flotation machine is not working properly. In summary, we can see a flotation machine impeller subsystem design is extremely diverse.
dry magnetic separator replacement of wearing parts should pay attention
Dry magnetic separator is widely used in recycling, timber, mining, ceramic, chemical, food, and other workshops for particle size below 3mm magnetite, pyrrhotite
Roasted ore, ilmenite and other materials wet magnetic separation, but also for coal, non-metallic minerals, building materials and other materials, iron work, mineral processing equipment is the most widely used
High versatility is one of magnetic systems the aircraft.
Dry magnetic separator to energy saving, time-saving, environmental protection will be fully covered separator market. Magnetic separator maintenance and replacement parts, should pay more attention. There are many magnetic separator
Consumable parts, breakage after the need for timely replacement. For example: magnetic drum roll affect the magnetic quality and production efficiency of the main components, but it is also the wearing separator
Magnetic drum magnetic separator roller replacement, should be used to hook spanner unscrew the nuts, and then dedicated Shiraz magnetic cylinder will roll out. To ensure balanced rotor operation, changing the magnetic roller
Complete replacement should be noted that, for the static balance test should be done after to make magnetic separator is stable. Assembly sure to tighten the nut, and pay attention not to leave the spring washers.
There is a magnetic broom bearing lubrication and replacement, at work up to 300 hours, should be cleaned bearings. If the bearing is oil lubricated, add new oil to fill the bearing housing when
Gap 1/3 is appropriate, no more than 1/2, just before the job is often a little screwed lid cover type oil can.
Roasted ore, ilmenite and other materials wet magnetic separation, but also for coal, non-metallic minerals, building materials and other materials, iron work, mineral processing equipment is the most widely used
High versatility is one of magnetic systems the aircraft.
Dry magnetic separator to energy saving, time-saving, environmental protection will be fully covered separator market. Magnetic separator maintenance and replacement parts, should pay more attention. There are many magnetic separator
Consumable parts, breakage after the need for timely replacement. For example: magnetic drum roll affect the magnetic quality and production efficiency of the main components, but it is also the wearing separator
Magnetic drum magnetic separator roller replacement, should be used to hook spanner unscrew the nuts, and then dedicated Shiraz magnetic cylinder will roll out. To ensure balanced rotor operation, changing the magnetic roller
Complete replacement should be noted that, for the static balance test should be done after to make magnetic separator is stable. Assembly sure to tighten the nut, and pay attention not to leave the spring washers.
There is a magnetic broom bearing lubrication and replacement, at work up to 300 hours, should be cleaned bearings. If the bearing is oil lubricated, add new oil to fill the bearing housing when
Gap 1/3 is appropriate, no more than 1/2, just before the job is often a little screwed lid cover type oil can.
divided into magnetic minerals minerals
Conducting screening mineral separator, the only requirement is only that magnetic minerals, and more importantly, also need to see the different mineral species affecting
Screening different environments.
Mineral classification There are many ways, the most commonly used classification of industrial classification, genetic classification and crystal chemical classification of three. According to the different nature of mineral
And use of industrial minerals classified into metallic minerals and non-metallic mineral type classes. According minerals causes the generation from fossil mineral divided into inner and outer generation
Result of metamorphic magnetic system minerals and mineral categories. According to the chemical composition of mineral and crystal structure of the mineral divided into five categories, namely categories of natural elements, sulfides and the like
Material categories, oxides and hydroxides categories, oxysalt categories, halides categories.
Minerals named a variety of different basis, but can be summarized in: (1) name of the chemical composition, such as natural gold; (2) named in physical properties,
Such as malachite; (3) in crystalline form named as garnet; (4) in composition and physical properties of named as copper; (5) in crystal morphology and physical properties of the named
Such as beryl; (6) in order to place names, such as kaolinite; (7) to naming names, such as Triumph szaibelyite.
Magnetic minerals is the mineral that can be a permanent magnet or an electromagnet to attract, or mineral itself can attract iron objects in nature. According magnetic minerals, the mineral
Divided into magnetic minerals, electromagnetic inverse magnetic minerals and minerals three.
Magnetic separator magnetic name tags mainly for work, but a variety of minerals with magnetic ore products of different categories. The use of high sensitivity magnetic separator can be made high-precision, high
Purity powder products.
Screening different environments.
Mineral classification There are many ways, the most commonly used classification of industrial classification, genetic classification and crystal chemical classification of three. According to the different nature of mineral
And use of industrial minerals classified into metallic minerals and non-metallic mineral type classes. According minerals causes the generation from fossil mineral divided into inner and outer generation
Result of metamorphic magnetic system minerals and mineral categories. According to the chemical composition of mineral and crystal structure of the mineral divided into five categories, namely categories of natural elements, sulfides and the like
Material categories, oxides and hydroxides categories, oxysalt categories, halides categories.
Minerals named a variety of different basis, but can be summarized in: (1) name of the chemical composition, such as natural gold; (2) named in physical properties,
Such as malachite; (3) in crystalline form named as garnet; (4) in composition and physical properties of named as copper; (5) in crystal morphology and physical properties of the named
Such as beryl; (6) in order to place names, such as kaolinite; (7) to naming names, such as Triumph szaibelyite.
Magnetic minerals is the mineral that can be a permanent magnet or an electromagnet to attract, or mineral itself can attract iron objects in nature. According magnetic minerals, the mineral
Divided into magnetic minerals, electromagnetic inverse magnetic minerals and minerals three.
Magnetic separator magnetic name tags mainly for work, but a variety of minerals with magnetic ore products of different categories. The use of high sensitivity magnetic separator can be made high-precision, high
Purity powder products.
a magnetic separator to reduce the loss of magnetite
Magnetic separator output is the main concern Liaochang thing, Henan Zhenping Xinlong Machinery that reducing the separator in the production process occurs magnetite losses
Will be able to gain more benefits for the stones factory.
Direct magnetic separation process using dilute media. Direct use of thin magnetic media and strengthen management, enables media consumption decreased significantly from the original media consumption per ton of coal
2.23kg 0.77kg per ton of coal is reduced to the following.
Ensure that all equipment level balance and prevent plugging, leak accidents. Blocking, spills, will be a teeth whitening machines substantial loss of magnetite. If vertical wheel sorter will lose about a big block
The amount of magnetite.
Ensure the recovery of magnetic separator. General to ensure that the separator at 99.8% recovery of a large number of rare medium is recycled through the magnetic separator, magnetic separator work
A great impact on the loss of quality of magnetite. Such as access to the amount of magnetite separator 6000kg / h, separator recovery was 99.9%, the loss of magnetite 6kg / h. If the
Separator recovery was 99%, the magnetite loss of 60kg / h; if lower recovery is 98%, the loss is increased to 120kg / h. Visible separator reduced recovery point
Magnetite loss has increased several times.
Choose the best way to add storage and magnetite. To set the media library. Currently media transport and effective method is to add a method to enhance the use of wind power, not only to reduce
Manual labor, reduced by adding time and greatly reduce the loss of magnetite.
Reduce the suspension into dilute aqueous slurry discharged outwards. In addition to magnetic separation tailings water is discharged, other slime water should always outward emissions. To control the enrichment equipment,
All for sculping sieve overflow water. Chong floor leaking water or equipment shall be recycled.
Work to improve sculping sieve effect. High efficiency sculping large screens and open area of the screen. In sculping before any fixed sieve sieve sieve or curved. Heavy medium cyclone underflow
Flow density is high, High Speed Handpiece sculping poor, can be introduced as part of clean coal sieve bottom qualified dilute suspension flow, improve sculping results. Product sculping sieve water should be sufficient, clean water
With pressurized water, recycled water can be used without pressure water jet.
Magnetite powder to ensure the fineness required. Coarsening of magnetite, by the suspension slime content increases, sculping screen and magnetic separator efficiency is reduced, magnetite loss
Loss will increase significantly. Such as magnetite fineness below standard, should be added to the grinding part. (Ryp)
Will be able to gain more benefits for the stones factory.
Direct magnetic separation process using dilute media. Direct use of thin magnetic media and strengthen management, enables media consumption decreased significantly from the original media consumption per ton of coal
2.23kg 0.77kg per ton of coal is reduced to the following.
Ensure that all equipment level balance and prevent plugging, leak accidents. Blocking, spills, will be a teeth whitening machines substantial loss of magnetite. If vertical wheel sorter will lose about a big block
The amount of magnetite.
Ensure the recovery of magnetic separator. General to ensure that the separator at 99.8% recovery of a large number of rare medium is recycled through the magnetic separator, magnetic separator work
A great impact on the loss of quality of magnetite. Such as access to the amount of magnetite separator 6000kg / h, separator recovery was 99.9%, the loss of magnetite 6kg / h. If the
Separator recovery was 99%, the magnetite loss of 60kg / h; if lower recovery is 98%, the loss is increased to 120kg / h. Visible separator reduced recovery point
Magnetite loss has increased several times.
Choose the best way to add storage and magnetite. To set the media library. Currently media transport and effective method is to add a method to enhance the use of wind power, not only to reduce
Manual labor, reduced by adding time and greatly reduce the loss of magnetite.
Reduce the suspension into dilute aqueous slurry discharged outwards. In addition to magnetic separation tailings water is discharged, other slime water should always outward emissions. To control the enrichment equipment,
All for sculping sieve overflow water. Chong floor leaking water or equipment shall be recycled.
Work to improve sculping sieve effect. High efficiency sculping large screens and open area of the screen. In sculping before any fixed sieve sieve sieve or curved. Heavy medium cyclone underflow
Flow density is high, High Speed Handpiece sculping poor, can be introduced as part of clean coal sieve bottom qualified dilute suspension flow, improve sculping results. Product sculping sieve water should be sufficient, clean water
With pressurized water, recycled water can be used without pressure water jet.
Magnetite powder to ensure the fineness required. Coarsening of magnetite, by the suspension slime content increases, sculping screen and magnetic separator efficiency is reduced, magnetite loss
Loss will increase significantly. Such as magnetite fineness below standard, should be added to the grinding part. (Ryp)
drum magnetic separator
Can effectively remove iron in the coolant, no filter consumption. Easy to install, can be used with other forms such as the filter drum (drum) paper filter, flat comb tape
Filter, vacuum-type paper filter used in combination. Magnetic separator can be used according to customer requirements ferrite magnets, NdFeB or Alnico. Magnetic Separation
Housing made of high quality materials, depending on the circumstances of carbon steel or stainless steel.
Magnetic Separator Application: grinding coolant is widely used in adsorption separation of impurities. Magnetic Grate In the painting, phosphating, cold and other industries have also been applied. Especially for
In CNC machine, EDM machine, polishing machine, gear cutting machines, grinders and other produce in the process of cooling liquid iron particles using the occasion.
Magnetic Separator effects:
Can reduce the coolant consumption
The cooling pump, tool life increased.
Surface quality Ra value increased by 30%
Continuous work, easy to discharge impurities
Machine maintenance time reduced by 50%
Easy to install and no filter media consumption
Magnetic Separator Features:
● According to the form of impurities in the coolant and oil condition optional roller type magnetic separator and comb-type magnetic separator
● rubber roller type magnetic separator according to site specific conditions and an optional external motor built-in type
● To facilitate the absorption of the magnetic impurities on the surface of the full drop, cot inner magnet type magnetic separator by a strong magnetic force can be designed into the structure of the fade, only the outer cylinder transfer
, Reducing power consumption, energy saving obvious.
● magnetic-type comb-type magnetic separator surface plus optional scraper conveyor mechanism and hydraulic flushing device in order to completely eliminate impurities, debris deposited solve the problem; to better discharge
Dry water, comb-type Drawer magnets is also an optional heater level control switch or relay to allow intermittent operation geared motors
● For the convenience of customers using a magnetic separator can be designed into the water on or after the entry of water into the water, the water can be designed around and under the water
● magnetic separator standalone traffic from 25 l / assigned to 4500 liters / min
● Three-phase gear motor voltage is 380 or 220 volts, geared motor according to user requirements placed on the right or left side of the
● PLC automatic control and manual control in two ways
Filter, vacuum-type paper filter used in combination. Magnetic separator can be used according to customer requirements ferrite magnets, NdFeB or Alnico. Magnetic Separation
Housing made of high quality materials, depending on the circumstances of carbon steel or stainless steel.
Magnetic Separator Application: grinding coolant is widely used in adsorption separation of impurities. Magnetic Grate In the painting, phosphating, cold and other industries have also been applied. Especially for
In CNC machine, EDM machine, polishing machine, gear cutting machines, grinders and other produce in the process of cooling liquid iron particles using the occasion.
Magnetic Separator effects:
Can reduce the coolant consumption
The cooling pump, tool life increased.
Surface quality Ra value increased by 30%
Continuous work, easy to discharge impurities
Machine maintenance time reduced by 50%
Easy to install and no filter media consumption
Magnetic Separator Features:
● According to the form of impurities in the coolant and oil condition optional roller type magnetic separator and comb-type magnetic separator
● rubber roller type magnetic separator according to site specific conditions and an optional external motor built-in type
● To facilitate the absorption of the magnetic impurities on the surface of the full drop, cot inner magnet type magnetic separator by a strong magnetic force can be designed into the structure of the fade, only the outer cylinder transfer
, Reducing power consumption, energy saving obvious.
● magnetic-type comb-type magnetic separator surface plus optional scraper conveyor mechanism and hydraulic flushing device in order to completely eliminate impurities, debris deposited solve the problem; to better discharge
Dry water, comb-type Drawer magnets is also an optional heater level control switch or relay to allow intermittent operation geared motors
● For the convenience of customers using a magnetic separator can be designed into the water on or after the entry of water into the water, the water can be designed around and under the water
● magnetic separator standalone traffic from 25 l / assigned to 4500 liters / min
● Three-phase gear motor voltage is 380 or 220 volts, geared motor according to user requirements placed on the right or left side of the
● PLC automatic control and manual control in two ways
a magnetic separator to reduce the loss of magnetite
Magnetic separator output is the main concern Liaochang thing, Henan Zhenping Xinlong Machinery that reducing the separator in the production process occurs magnetite losses
Will be able to gain more benefits for the stones factory.
Direct magnetic separation process using dilute media. Direct use of thin magnetic media and strengthen management, enables media consumption decreased significantly from the original media consumption per ton of coal
2.23kg 0.77kg per ton of coal is reduced to the following.
Ensure that all equipment level balance and prevent plugging, leak accidents. Blocking, spills, will be a substantial loss of magnetite. If vertical wheel sorter will lose about a big block
The amount of magnetite.
Ensure the recovery of magnet systems magnetic separator. General to ensure that the separator at 99.8% recovery of a large number of rare medium is recycled through the magnetic separator, magnetic separator work
A great impact on the loss of quality of magnetite. Such as access to the amount of magnetite separator 6000kg / h, separator recovery was 99.9%, the loss of magnetite 6kg / h. If the
Separator recovery was 99%, the magnetite loss of 60kg / h; if lower recovery is 98%, the loss is increased to 120kg / h. Visible separator reduced recovery point
Magnetite loss has increased several times.
Choose the best way to add storage and magnetite. To set the media library. Currently media transport and effective method is to add a method to enhance the use of wind power, not only to reduce
Manual labor, reduced by adding time and greatly reduce the loss of magnetite.
Reduce the suspension into dilute aqueous slurry discharged outwards. In addition to magnetic separation tailings water is discharged, other slime water should always outward emissions. To control the enrichment equipment,
All for sculping sieve overflow water. Chong floor leaking water or equipment shall be recycled.
Work to improve sculping sieve effect. High efficiency sculping large screens and open area of the screen. In sculping before any fixed sieve sieve sieve or curved. Heavy medium cyclone underflow
Flow density is high, sculping poor, can be introduced as part of clean coal sieve bottom qualified dilute suspension flow, improve sculping results. Product sculping sieve water cup magnet should be sufficient, clean water
With pressurized water, recycled water can be used without pressure water jet.
Magnetite powder to ensure the fineness required. Coarsening of magnetite, by the suspension slime content increases, sculping screen and magnetic separator efficiency is reduced, magnetite loss
Loss will increase significantly. Such as magnetite fineness below standard, should be added to the grinding part. (Ryp)
Will be able to gain more benefits for the stones factory.
Direct magnetic separation process using dilute media. Direct use of thin magnetic media and strengthen management, enables media consumption decreased significantly from the original media consumption per ton of coal
2.23kg 0.77kg per ton of coal is reduced to the following.
Ensure that all equipment level balance and prevent plugging, leak accidents. Blocking, spills, will be a substantial loss of magnetite. If vertical wheel sorter will lose about a big block
The amount of magnetite.
Ensure the recovery of magnet systems magnetic separator. General to ensure that the separator at 99.8% recovery of a large number of rare medium is recycled through the magnetic separator, magnetic separator work
A great impact on the loss of quality of magnetite. Such as access to the amount of magnetite separator 6000kg / h, separator recovery was 99.9%, the loss of magnetite 6kg / h. If the
Separator recovery was 99%, the magnetite loss of 60kg / h; if lower recovery is 98%, the loss is increased to 120kg / h. Visible separator reduced recovery point
Magnetite loss has increased several times.
Choose the best way to add storage and magnetite. To set the media library. Currently media transport and effective method is to add a method to enhance the use of wind power, not only to reduce
Manual labor, reduced by adding time and greatly reduce the loss of magnetite.
Reduce the suspension into dilute aqueous slurry discharged outwards. In addition to magnetic separation tailings water is discharged, other slime water should always outward emissions. To control the enrichment equipment,
All for sculping sieve overflow water. Chong floor leaking water or equipment shall be recycled.
Work to improve sculping sieve effect. High efficiency sculping large screens and open area of the screen. In sculping before any fixed sieve sieve sieve or curved. Heavy medium cyclone underflow
Flow density is high, sculping poor, can be introduced as part of clean coal sieve bottom qualified dilute suspension flow, improve sculping results. Product sculping sieve water cup magnet should be sufficient, clean water
With pressurized water, recycled water can be used without pressure water jet.
Magnetite powder to ensure the fineness required. Coarsening of magnetite, by the suspension slime content increases, sculping screen and magnetic separator efficiency is reduced, magnetite loss
Loss will increase significantly. Such as magnetite fineness below standard, should be added to the grinding part. (Ryp)
the advantages of dry magnetic separator
Dressing without water: As the Company dry magnetic separator, so no water, and water-election compared to a non-sewage sludge produced two can save water resources. In GXC-
8180 primaries machine, for example, annual savings of 600,000 tons of water.
Sorting effect: Since this machine adopts a dynamic magnetic system design, mineral material in the surface of the roller slide, displacement and roll, roller nonstick material is conducive to material sorting, early
Select grade can be increased 1-4 times, once a selection of up to 60% or more grade.
Processing capacity: Since the adoption of wrap-open magnetic system, the material does not wrap the group, no clogging, thus processing capacity, processing a single original primary machine
Up to 50 tons of ore, but also multi-machine tied in parallel, can be doubled to increase production.
Production efficiency: Dry without water, so you can not water restrictions, perennial continuous production of anhydrous region, seasonally dry areas, alpine areas, the annual
Increase 100-150 days, effectively improve equipment utilization.
8180 primaries machine, for example, annual savings of 600,000 tons of water.
Sorting effect: Since this machine adopts a dynamic magnetic system design, mineral material in the surface of the roller slide, displacement and roll, roller nonstick material is conducive to material sorting, early
Select grade can be increased 1-4 times, once a selection of up to 60% or more grade.
Processing capacity: Since the adoption of wrap-open magnetic system, the material does not wrap the group, no clogging, thus processing capacity, processing a single original primary machine
Up to 50 tons of ore, but also multi-machine tied in parallel, can be doubled to increase production.
Production efficiency: Dry without water, so you can not water restrictions, perennial continuous production of anhydrous region, seasonally dry areas, alpine areas, the annual
Increase 100-150 days, effectively improve equipment utilization.
the magnetic drum face selection
Magnetic rotary drum is a permanent addition to iron device doubles as a drive roller use, can automatically separate the continuous non-magnetic materials on the conveyor belt ferromagnetic inclusions miscellaneous
Quality. This series of magnetic separator roll and suspension joint use, you can remove the thick layer of miscellaneous iron. The following summarizes the magnetic drum face options:
1, power is not, a narrow belt, hopper magnet dry environment, the case of a short distance transportation, the choice of the magnetic roller surface plate.
2, high power, long transport distances (greater than 90m), humid environment, dirty mud, recommended use coated surface magnetic roller.
3, for important occasions conveyors, recommended preferred coated surface magnetic roller.
4, herringbone pattern rubber surface friction coefficient, slip resistance performance is good drainage, but directional. Order must indicate the left side of the shaft herringbone rubber roller, or right out
Axis herringbone rubber surface roller.
5, diamond plastic surface magnetic roller conveyor for bidirectional operation.
Quality. This series of magnetic separator roll and suspension joint use, you can remove the thick layer of miscellaneous iron. The following summarizes the magnetic drum face options:
1, power is not, a narrow belt, hopper magnet dry environment, the case of a short distance transportation, the choice of the magnetic roller surface plate.
2, high power, long transport distances (greater than 90m), humid environment, dirty mud, recommended use coated surface magnetic roller.
3, for important occasions conveyors, recommended preferred coated surface magnetic roller.
4, herringbone pattern rubber surface friction coefficient, slip resistance performance is good drainage, but directional. Order must indicate the left side of the shaft herringbone rubber roller, or right out
Axis herringbone rubber surface roller.
5, diamond plastic surface magnetic roller conveyor for bidirectional operation.
a comprehensive analysis of magnetic rods
Magnetic rods refined through five steps. Magnetic rods from the core and the internal and external cladding composed of cylindrical magnet core also includes a magnet blocks and turn slices. Magnetic force
Stick all the configuration N52 magnet stainless steel protective cover, effectively protect the magnetic rods to be easily damaged. Iron chelating convenient; pull magnetic rods, magnetic rods adsorbed on the automatic separation of ferromagnetic material
Fall. Continuous work; drill platoon iron raw material extraction can continue to work without pause feed.
Magnetic wand over raw material mainly used in iron pin; filter various fine powder and liquid, semi-liquid iron impurities and other substances with a magnetic band, currently the most widely
Pan used in chemical, food, magnetic tool waste recycling, carbon black and other fields. Magnetic rods can also be customized according to customer's specific requirements. Due to use of special high coercivity magnetic king, silica gel or argon
Arc sealed and the use of special scientific process making. And is widely used in chemical, food, waste recycling, carbon black and other fields.
Stick all the configuration N52 magnet stainless steel protective cover, effectively protect the magnetic rods to be easily damaged. Iron chelating convenient; pull magnetic rods, magnetic rods adsorbed on the automatic separation of ferromagnetic material
Fall. Continuous work; drill platoon iron raw material extraction can continue to work without pause feed.
Magnetic wand over raw material mainly used in iron pin; filter various fine powder and liquid, semi-liquid iron impurities and other substances with a magnetic band, currently the most widely
Pan used in chemical, food, magnetic tool waste recycling, carbon black and other fields. Magnetic rods can also be customized according to customer's specific requirements. Due to use of special high coercivity magnetic king, silica gel or argon
Arc sealed and the use of special scientific process making. And is widely used in chemical, food, waste recycling, carbon black and other fields.
the six characteristics of the magnetic drum
Also known as magnetic drum magnetic pulley or bulk magnetic separator. Its internal high-performance hard magnetic materials composed of complex magnetic system, with a high magnetic field strength, depth, simple structure,
Convenient, no maintenance, magnetic tool holder does not consume electricity, perennial demagnetization characteristics. Can be used in cement, magnetic separator, mining, iron and steel, chemicals, refractory materials, waste disposal, etc.
Selected iron industry, can also be used in food, plastics, rubber and other industries, the following detailed overview of the magnetic drum six characteristics:
1, the core of rare earth permanent magnet, in the work area to form a high strength, high gradient magnetic field, the magnetic field intensity 1500GS-12000GS, completely suitable for all sectors
Be used.
2, the whole structure is magnetic hooks solid and reasonable, highly adaptable, reliable operation.
3, the magnetic circuit design using computer simulation, perfect composite pole structure to protect the working distance of the largest magnetic coefficients.
4, the magnetic field lasting stability, pole adsorption area, no run materials, leakage of material phenomena.
5, the outer tube is made of stainless steel, corrosion resistant.
6, the aircraft has explosion-proof characteristics.
Convenient, no maintenance, magnetic tool holder does not consume electricity, perennial demagnetization characteristics. Can be used in cement, magnetic separator, mining, iron and steel, chemicals, refractory materials, waste disposal, etc.
Selected iron industry, can also be used in food, plastics, rubber and other industries, the following detailed overview of the magnetic drum six characteristics:
1, the core of rare earth permanent magnet, in the work area to form a high strength, high gradient magnetic field, the magnetic field intensity 1500GS-12000GS, completely suitable for all sectors
Be used.
2, the whole structure is magnetic hooks solid and reasonable, highly adaptable, reliable operation.
3, the magnetic circuit design using computer simulation, perfect composite pole structure to protect the working distance of the largest magnetic coefficients.
4, the magnetic field lasting stability, pole adsorption area, no run materials, leakage of material phenomena.
5, the outer tube is made of stainless steel, corrosion resistant.
6, the aircraft has explosion-proof characteristics.
permanent lifting Seven Considerations
Permanent lifting lifting process mainly used for holding iron material plate-shaped or cylindrical workpiece, with a compact structure, convenient operation, safe and reliable, strong retention
Features, will help improve N52 magnet labor efficiency, so in factories, docks, warehouses and transportation industry, has been widely used as a lifting tool. For the majority of
Customers can safely use the following detailed overview of the permanent lifting of the seven notes:
1, permanent lifting during use should prevent knock hair, bumps, so as not to affect performance.
2, permanent lifting iron parts not in contact with the underside is not available when lever handle.
3, the lifting process, magnetic lifter permanent lifting suction holding the workpiece is prohibited someone standing or crossing.
4, magnetic lifter should always be kept clean and attracting face smooth.
5, you should always check the flat shank top button and locating pin sliding chain quality and ensure the lock is reliable and safe.
6, permanent lifting must be from the use of two years from the date of last calibration performed to ensure safety.
7, permanent lifting operations should strictly enforce the provisions of national lifting operation.
Permanent lifting lifting process mainly used for holding iron material plate-shaped or cylindrical workpiece, with a compact structure, convenient operation, safe and reliable, strong retention
Features, will help improve N52 magnet labor efficiency, so in factories, docks, warehouses and transportation industry, has been widely used as a lifting tool. For the majority of
Customers can safely use the following detailed overview of the permanent lifting of the seven notes:
1, permanent lifting during use should prevent knock hair, bumps, so as not to affect performance.
2, permanent lifting iron parts not in contact with the underside is not available when lever handle.
3, the lifting process, magnetic lifter permanent lifting suction holding the workpiece is prohibited someone standing or crossing.
4, magnetic lifter should always be kept clean and attracting face smooth.
5, you should always check the flat shank top button and locating pin sliding chain quality and ensure the lock is reliable and safe.
6, permanent lifting must be from the use of two years from the date of last calibration performed to ensure safety.
7, permanent lifting operations should strictly enforce the provisions of national lifting operation.
using a magnetic drum understand this knowledge before
Magnetic filter roller (magnetic roller) mainly used to remove powder, flake and granular material in the ferromagnetic impurities widely used in ceramics, electricity, mining, plastics, chemical
Workers, rubber, pharmaceutical, food, environmental protection, pigments, dyes, electronics, metallurgy and other industries.
Magnetic drum including oil cooling motor, gear box, electric drum shell and shaft, oil-cooled electric motor mounted on the shaft, the shaft ends with electric roll through the end cap
Cylindrical shell is magnetic name tags connected at both ends, oil cooler motor output shaft via a reduction mechanism with fixed electric drum shell wall flange ring gear meshing, the electric drum shell
Is fixedly connected with the outer wall of the magnet installation even polygonal tube, the mounting tube outer sides of the polygon of even non-magnetic screws are connected by a permanent magnetic strip, and each of the permanent magnetic strip
Multiple magnetic polarity direction stacking block close abutment, each of the two adjacent magnetic polarity opposite to the magnet even polygonal periphery of the mounting cylinder and has non-magnetic
Magnetic stainless steel Drawer Magnet cylinder, the cylinder ends through non-magnetic stainless steel cover and electric drum is connected to both ends of the outer wall of the housing. Alternatively, you can directly to the electric drum shell
Even polygonal outer wall to the other structure unchanged.
Workers, rubber, pharmaceutical, food, environmental protection, pigments, dyes, electronics, metallurgy and other industries.
Magnetic drum including oil cooling motor, gear box, electric drum shell and shaft, oil-cooled electric motor mounted on the shaft, the shaft ends with electric roll through the end cap
Cylindrical shell is magnetic name tags connected at both ends, oil cooler motor output shaft via a reduction mechanism with fixed electric drum shell wall flange ring gear meshing, the electric drum shell
Is fixedly connected with the outer wall of the magnet installation even polygonal tube, the mounting tube outer sides of the polygon of even non-magnetic screws are connected by a permanent magnetic strip, and each of the permanent magnetic strip
Multiple magnetic polarity direction stacking block close abutment, each of the two adjacent magnetic polarity opposite to the magnet even polygonal periphery of the mounting cylinder and has non-magnetic
Magnetic stainless steel Drawer Magnet cylinder, the cylinder ends through non-magnetic stainless steel cover and electric drum is connected to both ends of the outer wall of the housing. Alternatively, you can directly to the electric drum shell
Even polygonal outer wall to the other structure unchanged.
a magnetic wand magnetic rods practicality
Magnetic rods in contact with the fluid used in the process will be part of the internal magnetic energy irreversible loss, loss of more than 30% of the initial strength of the metal or coated, stainless steel
Steel Pipe rupture when worn, then the need to replace the magnetic rods, and not allow leakage magnet magnetic cup magnet wand to continue working, magnets are generally more brittle, the surface is also coated with some
Oil pollution to the environment is relatively large. Magnetic rods domestic producers generally magnetic rods can work under heavy 1-2 years, 7-8 years working under light load. Mainly used in plastic
Materials, food, environmental protection, filtration, chemical, electric power, building materials, pottery, medicine, powder, mining, coal and other industries.
Steel Pipe rupture when worn, then the need to replace the magnetic rods, and not allow leakage magnet magnetic cup magnet wand to continue working, magnets are generally more brittle, the surface is also coated with some
Oil pollution to the environment is relatively large. Magnetic rods domestic producers generally magnetic rods can work under heavy 1-2 years, 7-8 years working under light load. Mainly used in plastic
Materials, food, environmental protection, filtration, chemical, electric power, building materials, pottery, medicine, powder, mining, coal and other industries.
magnets (also known as magnetic rods, filter rod) description
The magnet and the magnet assembly of stainless steel pipe, the use of "repel each other," the principle of the maximum magnetic field strength.
Common magnet Specifications:
Pipe diameter: 12,15,18,20,22,25,29,35,38,42,48,50,60,76,88,101
Square tube section size: 20x20, 20x10, 25x25, 28x28, 30x30, 35x35, 38x25, 40x40, 50x50, 50x25, 60x60, 80x60, 100x100
Magnet: magnet performance through the selection and the adjustment of the stainless steel pipe wall magnetic systems thickness can be controlled at 2000GS magnet magnetic table to 12000GS range.
Temperature: According to different material, the magnet's temperature range of -40 degrees Celsius to 500 degrees Celsius. (Note: The higher the temperature, the lower the peak magnetic field strength.)
Magnet Pipe Material: 201,202,301,303,304,309,310,314,316 L, etc. There are many grades of stainless steel for customers to choose.
Finish: Polished (fine polishing, rough polishing), electroplating, black.
Magnet Application: food, beverages, food, tobacco, cotton, plastic, feed, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, ceramics, machinery, petroleum, water treatment, car painting and other required Drawer Magnet separation
Permeability material industries.
Magnetic frame, magnetic separator, magnetic filtration equipment and other products of the same principles and bar magnet, but in the structure is relatively complex, high technology for machining requirements.
Common magnet Specifications:
Pipe diameter: 12,15,18,20,22,25,29,35,38,42,48,50,60,76,88,101
Square tube section size: 20x20, 20x10, 25x25, 28x28, 30x30, 35x35, 38x25, 40x40, 50x50, 50x25, 60x60, 80x60, 100x100
Magnet: magnet performance through the selection and the adjustment of the stainless steel pipe wall magnetic systems thickness can be controlled at 2000GS magnet magnetic table to 12000GS range.
Temperature: According to different material, the magnet's temperature range of -40 degrees Celsius to 500 degrees Celsius. (Note: The higher the temperature, the lower the peak magnetic field strength.)
Magnet Pipe Material: 201,202,301,303,304,309,310,314,316 L, etc. There are many grades of stainless steel for customers to choose.
Finish: Polished (fine polishing, rough polishing), electroplating, black.
Magnet Application: food, beverages, food, tobacco, cotton, plastic, feed, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, ceramics, machinery, petroleum, water treatment, car painting and other required Drawer Magnet separation
Permeability material industries.
Magnetic frame, magnetic separator, magnetic filtration equipment and other products of the same principles and bar magnet, but in the structure is relatively complex, high technology for machining requirements.
super fine magnetic multicolored series
This product is non-toxic ferromagnetic rods and metal balls consisting of magnetic connection to the toy. It gives kids a material, coupled with the child boundless imagination,
Through the child's hands, because the magnetic force, the ball and stick firmly suck, colorful stick with any combination of shiny balls, you can splice a variety of colorful magical
Round and models. From the Arabic Neodymium Arc Magnets numerals, alphabet letters, English words, Chinese characters into a triangle, polygon, polyhedron mathematical model; from cars, motorcycles, Tanzania
Grams, cannon to bridges, buildings, towers and other buildings, and even Elvis and Tower, Oriental Pearl Tower, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Egyptian pyramids and other world famous buildings are in
Easily show up in your hands, it is not only to give the child bring endless joy, but also give the child a better self-confidence and a higher sense of accomplishment. By children
Child's fight with the ride, let the children play in the process, virtually cultivate the child's spatial thinking skills, creativity, imagination, attention, memory, participation and mutual
Cooperation skills. We propose to allow toys to play with their children by parents. Not only does it give the child brings joy, brings wisdom, while parents and deepen
Child's feelings, even to family education. Magnetic magic wand toy is a set of toys, learning tools, education in a comprehensive special education toys. It is suitable for ages 6 and older people
Group. Children under 6 years magnetic tool holder of age to be used under the supervision of an adult. 〖〗 A security warning for people over the age of 6, children under 6 years with adult supervision. 2
, Children playing, is strictly prohibited and magnet balls into the mouth or nose, otherwise there is the danger of suffocation 3, which can not biting magnet, magnet in order to avoid falling danger 4
, Can not be boiled or pasteurized to avoid damage to 5, this product has magnetism, please stay away from magnetic objects
Through the child's hands, because the magnetic force, the ball and stick firmly suck, colorful stick with any combination of shiny balls, you can splice a variety of colorful magical
Round and models. From the Arabic Neodymium Arc Magnets numerals, alphabet letters, English words, Chinese characters into a triangle, polygon, polyhedron mathematical model; from cars, motorcycles, Tanzania
Grams, cannon to bridges, buildings, towers and other buildings, and even Elvis and Tower, Oriental Pearl Tower, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Egyptian pyramids and other world famous buildings are in
Easily show up in your hands, it is not only to give the child bring endless joy, but also give the child a better self-confidence and a higher sense of accomplishment. By children
Child's fight with the ride, let the children play in the process, virtually cultivate the child's spatial thinking skills, creativity, imagination, attention, memory, participation and mutual
Cooperation skills. We propose to allow toys to play with their children by parents. Not only does it give the child brings joy, brings wisdom, while parents and deepen
Child's feelings, even to family education. Magnetic magic wand toy is a set of toys, learning tools, education in a comprehensive special education toys. It is suitable for ages 6 and older people
Group. Children under 6 years magnetic tool holder of age to be used under the supervision of an adult. 〖〗 A security warning for people over the age of 6, children under 6 years with adult supervision. 2
, Children playing, is strictly prohibited and magnet balls into the mouth or nose, otherwise there is the danger of suffocation 3, which can not biting magnet, magnet in order to avoid falling danger 4
, Can not be boiled or pasteurized to avoid damage to 5, this product has magnetism, please stay away from magnetic objects
Separators Introduction
Separator is a powerful magnetic field to produce an attractive device, usually associated with transport belt sending machine, vibrating feeder and other transportation equipment sets radial magnets to use. Mixed bulk material can be removed in 0.1 ~ 25kg weight ferromagnetic objects. On the grinding machine, crusher, conveyor belt plays a reliable protection.
Separators are widely used in metallurgy, mining, electricity, ports, ceramics, glass, glass, cement, building materials, chemical, food, feed, waste disposal and other industries.
I designed using computational optimization design, with a large magnetic potential, magnetic permeability deep, strong suction, low energy consumption, environmental adaptability, safety and reliability. Since excitation mode and use the different environment, the formation of electromagnetic, permanent two categories, a variety of suction, a variety of products.
1 fully sealed structure, can effectively prevent moisture, dust and erosion of harmful gases to the coil, ndfeb magnet the climate and the environment adaptability, and institutions is reasonable, easy operation and maintenance, safe and reliable.
2 magnetic path optimization design, large depth of penetration of magnetic field, and the spatial geometry of the magnetic field is nearly half spherical, so than other similar products more attractive.
3 excitation coils are vacuum-dried and impregnated with special filler material, to improve the mechanical and electrical properties, thus long life.
4 products matching performance, full-featured various rectifier equipment, able to adapt to the requirements for use on various occasions.
Separator is a powerful magnetic field to produce an attractive device, usually associated with transport belt sending machine, vibrating feeder and other transportation equipment sets radial magnets to use. Mixed bulk material can be removed in 0.1 ~ 25kg weight ferromagnetic objects. On the grinding machine, crusher, conveyor belt plays a reliable protection.
Separators are widely used in metallurgy, mining, electricity, ports, ceramics, glass, glass, cement, building materials, chemical, food, feed, waste disposal and other industries.
I designed using computational optimization design, with a large magnetic potential, magnetic permeability deep, strong suction, low energy consumption, environmental adaptability, safety and reliability. Since excitation mode and use the different environment, the formation of electromagnetic, permanent two categories, a variety of suction, a variety of products.
1 fully sealed structure, can effectively prevent moisture, dust and erosion of harmful gases to the coil, ndfeb magnet the climate and the environment adaptability, and institutions is reasonable, easy operation and maintenance, safe and reliable.
2 magnetic path optimization design, large depth of penetration of magnetic field, and the spatial geometry of the magnetic field is nearly half spherical, so than other similar products more attractive.
3 excitation coils are vacuum-dried and impregnated with special filler material, to improve the mechanical and electrical properties, thus long life.
4 products matching performance, full-featured various rectifier equipment, able to adapt to the requirements for use on various occasions.
the electromagnetic add, batch weighing equipment
Purpose and Effect:
For the cupola, electric furnace manual shipped with several displays weighing metal materials. To stabilize the furnace conditions, improve quality of molten iron, reduce labor intensity had a marked effect.
Features and Specifications:
Digital stable and accurate, clear radial magnets and intuitive; specifically for harsh environments and foundries strong vibration while driving on a design produced in the harsh environment of foundry work; obviously on strong interference suppression effect; modular design, easy maintenance; built-in analog sensor fault detection signal line is simple and quick.
A mounting line car, another installed in ground control. Sensor installation generally use universal hook connection. Can also be installed on a steel hoist Drawstring fixed place.
For the cupola, electric furnace manual shipped with several displays weighing metal materials. To stabilize the furnace conditions, improve quality of molten iron, reduce labor intensity had a marked effect.
Features and Specifications:
Digital stable and accurate, clear radial magnets and intuitive; specifically for harsh environments and foundries strong vibration while driving on a design produced in the harsh environment of foundry work; obviously on strong interference suppression effect; modular design, easy maintenance; built-in analog sensor fault detection signal line is simple and quick.
A mounting line car, another installed in ground control. Sensor installation generally use universal hook connection. Can also be installed on a steel hoist Drawstring fixed place.
mw22 electromagnetic lifting instructions
mw22 electromagnetic lifting instructions
Lifting electromagnet is being sucked thereof as a special solenoid armature. It is the use of electricity and magnetism physical suck ferromagnetic material equipment, which can not only reduce the labor intensity of loading and unloading operations, but also greatly improve production efficiency, is an ideal lifting tool, metallurgy, mining, radial magnets machinery, shipbuilding , transportation and other industries such as steel lifting magnetically conductive material indispensable lifting tools, in some areas, it also used as electromagnetic manipulator, magnetic force, the rod length with the other aspects. After years of promotion and application of the use of lifting electromagnet has been widely expanded, as the diversity of objects being sucked, lifting electromagnet structure, magnetic distribution, manufacturing process is also different, so the formation of a number of products, targeted very Strong.
Handling steel billets, blooms and other materials with lifting magnet strip according to the different objects being sucked into multiple series: Handling billet, steel ingot, Neodymium Arc Magnets ingot mold, rebar, round bar, handling steel, heavy rail, etc., transporting pipe, round billet.
These series lifting electromagnet is my company based on years of experience, combined with the actual production of steel, special lifting electromagnet in order to maximize the life and lifting capacity, using the latest materials, process development and production technology introduction lifting electromagnet.
Lifting electromagnet is being sucked thereof as a special solenoid armature. It is the use of electricity and magnetism physical suck ferromagnetic material equipment, which can not only reduce the labor intensity of loading and unloading operations, but also greatly improve production efficiency, is an ideal lifting tool, metallurgy, mining, radial magnets machinery, shipbuilding , transportation and other industries such as steel lifting magnetically conductive material indispensable lifting tools, in some areas, it also used as electromagnetic manipulator, magnetic force, the rod length with the other aspects. After years of promotion and application of the use of lifting electromagnet has been widely expanded, as the diversity of objects being sucked, lifting electromagnet structure, magnetic distribution, manufacturing process is also different, so the formation of a number of products, targeted very Strong.
Handling steel billets, blooms and other materials with lifting magnet strip according to the different objects being sucked into multiple series: Handling billet, steel ingot, Neodymium Arc Magnets ingot mold, rebar, round bar, handling steel, heavy rail, etc., transporting pipe, round billet.
These series lifting electromagnet is my company based on years of experience, combined with the actual production of steel, special lifting electromagnet in order to maximize the life and lifting capacity, using the latest materials, process development and production technology introduction lifting electromagnet.
installation and commissioning and trial operation
Separators There are two installation methods, namely the head mounted on the conveyor belt or the middle. Where conditions permit, particularly at high conveyor speed are adapted to be attached to the head, then the suspension height can be increased, but please note that the first round of the conveyor must be replaced by a non-magnetic materials, otherwise it will seriously affect iron removal results.When the separator installed in the central belt, the two rollers must be greater than the distance between the separator body width, or a group of idlers shall replace the non-magnetic roller. To enhance the effect of iron separator should be installed below the level of a non-magnetic roller, and it is higher than other rollers 50 ~ 150mm.
Check the separator body reducer and electrical performance (coil resistance and insulation resistance), can be installed without problems.
Separators bench with four lifting lugs for installation, spreader should have sufficient strength, and adjustable suspension height.
Separator should be installed as far as possible so that the work gear position in the horizontal position, for maximum tilt angle should generally be less than 15 °, and the output shaft of the shaft end down, more than 15 ° measures should be taken to ensure adequate lubrication and prevent oil leakage.
Unloading iron belt deviation and adjusted
Check the unloading iron belt, if the deviation phenomenon can be adjusted:
Unloading iron belt deviation to the right of the forward direction adjustment method: on both sides of the bearing adjusting device evenly adjusted so that the driven pulley and the belt forward direction at right angles, and then on the side so that the belt deviation roller moves the same distance in the forward direction Finally the bearing adjusting means for tuning.
Unloading iron belt direction of deviation in the forward direction on the left to adjust the direction: the same with 7.4.1. Make left at the same size roller moves in the forward direction, but also allows the right of the back roller same size, and then fine-tune the bearing adjustment device.
Note :: (1) Please be careful not to unload iron belt tension too tight.
(2) unloading iron belt separator body to adjust gain and a, b two o'clock slightest touch.
To run power reducer 0.5 to 1 hour, no exceptions can be used normally.
8 Cautions
If the down time is longer, again, the need for electrical performance gear check. Powered insulation resistance measurement be carried out before. The ambient temperature is 0 ~ 40 ℃ and relative humidity of 50 to 70%, the insulation resistance value should not be less than 10MΩ, damp should not be less than 1MΩ, when discovered insulation resistance value is less than 1MΩ should be dried processing, recovery, 1MΩ more to continue to use.
Separators near a strong magnetic field, so it shall be placed around the clock a class instrumentation.
Reducer operation, check the lower belt electromagnetic separator body absorb iron pieces around whether and, if you must clear, otherwise it will damage the belt.
9 Care and maintenance
Special fault does not occur as long as the separator, the usual regular inspection and maintenance are mainly conducted its surrounding dust Ex cleaned regularly refuel the bearing.
Unloading iron belt and gear power cord should be regularly checked and found that trauma, timely replacement.
Reducer for use:
Reducer with pendulum pin gear meshing, planetary transmission principle. Reducer rated speed of 1500 rev / min, allowing both positive and negative direction.
Reducer used under normal conditions in the oil bath lubrication, the oil level sight glass held in the middle of the can. Lubricants recommended E90 # extreme pressure gear oil can also be used 40 #, 50 # oil instead. Refueling rotary power seat ventilation cap to refuel unit, put oil rotary power seat bottom drain plug, the oil can be released .
The first 100 hours of operation that is fueling a new lubricant should be replaced (and internal oil rinse), later replaced once every six months of continuous work (eight hours). If the condition is severe, you should shorten the oil change time.
Lubricants during use should always be added.
Gearhead eyebolt lifting gear only.
10 unloading iron belt replacement
Loosen the sprocket guard bolts, remove the cover and chain.
Loosen the main bearing from the wheel pulley mounting bolts, remove the pulley from the bench, bench side idler also be removed.
Loosen the separator body mounting bolts, remove the body from the bench, and then you can start a new belt package (non-magnetic blade should be installed, fastening and welding stopper), note the direction and unloading iron belt scraper run direction.
On the ground put two wide planks, will unload iron belt on it.
Roll up the side of the separator iron unloading belt and the main body, insert the belt driven pulley inside (with a crane lifting)
The gantry crane to the top of the separator body and fastened with bolts body bench.
The main, driven pulley and idler alignment fixed after strong stand in, please note the main, driven belt parallel and with the same size of the gap inside the gantry.
Installed chain, chains and regulate the tightness of the belt, cover shield.
Make sure to check all bolts tightened after a good start reducer, if the unloading iron belt deviation phenomenon appears, press the 7.5 to adjust.
11 Quality assurance and after-sales service commitment
Our full implementation of ISO9001 requirements of the relevant services, products, the implementation of "three guarantees" (repair, replacement or return) and the "three guarantees", sales of products year warranty, the user needs in the course samarium cobalt magnets of such services arrived at the scene, Guaranteed to send service personnel, arrived at the scene within 24 hours of service.
12 Details of Plate magnets wearing parts and spare parts
Bearings (ball with a block-oriented radial ball bearings)
Chain: GB1243.1-83 16A-1 × 72
Reducer: XWD2.2-4-1/29
Unloading iron belt
Driven sprocket
Separators There are two installation methods, namely the head mounted on the conveyor belt or the middle. Where conditions permit, particularly at high conveyor speed are adapted to be attached to the head, then the suspension height can be increased, but please note that the first round of the conveyor must be replaced by a non-magnetic materials, otherwise it will seriously affect iron removal results.When the separator installed in the central belt, the two rollers must be greater than the distance between the separator body width, or a group of idlers shall replace the non-magnetic roller. To enhance the effect of iron separator should be installed below the level of a non-magnetic roller, and it is higher than other rollers 50 ~ 150mm.
Check the separator body reducer and electrical performance (coil resistance and insulation resistance), can be installed without problems.
Separators bench with four lifting lugs for installation, spreader should have sufficient strength, and adjustable suspension height.
Separator should be installed as far as possible so that the work gear position in the horizontal position, for maximum tilt angle should generally be less than 15 °, and the output shaft of the shaft end down, more than 15 ° measures should be taken to ensure adequate lubrication and prevent oil leakage.
Unloading iron belt deviation and adjusted
Check the unloading iron belt, if the deviation phenomenon can be adjusted:
Unloading iron belt deviation to the right of the forward direction adjustment method: on both sides of the bearing adjusting device evenly adjusted so that the driven pulley and the belt forward direction at right angles, and then on the side so that the belt deviation roller moves the same distance in the forward direction Finally the bearing adjusting means for tuning.
Unloading iron belt direction of deviation in the forward direction on the left to adjust the direction: the same with 7.4.1. Make left at the same size roller moves in the forward direction, but also allows the right of the back roller same size, and then fine-tune the bearing adjustment device.
Note :: (1) Please be careful not to unload iron belt tension too tight.
(2) unloading iron belt separator body to adjust gain and a, b two o'clock slightest touch.
To run power reducer 0.5 to 1 hour, no exceptions can be used normally.
8 Cautions
If the down time is longer, again, the need for electrical performance gear check. Powered insulation resistance measurement be carried out before. The ambient temperature is 0 ~ 40 ℃ and relative humidity of 50 to 70%, the insulation resistance value should not be less than 10MΩ, damp should not be less than 1MΩ, when discovered insulation resistance value is less than 1MΩ should be dried processing, recovery, 1MΩ more to continue to use.
Separators near a strong magnetic field, so it shall be placed around the clock a class instrumentation.
Reducer operation, check the lower belt electromagnetic separator body absorb iron pieces around whether and, if you must clear, otherwise it will damage the belt.
9 Care and maintenance
Special fault does not occur as long as the separator, the usual regular inspection and maintenance are mainly conducted its surrounding dust Ex cleaned regularly refuel the bearing.
Unloading iron belt and gear power cord should be regularly checked and found that trauma, timely replacement.
Reducer for use:
Reducer with pendulum pin gear meshing, planetary transmission principle. Reducer rated speed of 1500 rev / min, allowing both positive and negative direction.
Reducer used under normal conditions in the oil bath lubrication, the oil level sight glass held in the middle of the can. Lubricants recommended E90 # extreme pressure gear oil can also be used 40 #, 50 # oil instead. Refueling rotary power seat ventilation cap to refuel unit, put oil rotary power seat bottom drain plug, the oil can be released .
The first 100 hours of operation that is fueling a new lubricant should be replaced (and internal oil rinse), later replaced once every six months of continuous work (eight hours). If the condition is severe, you should shorten the oil change time.
Lubricants during use should always be added.
Gearhead eyebolt lifting gear only.
10 unloading iron belt replacement
Loosen the sprocket guard bolts, remove the cover and chain.
Loosen the main bearing from the wheel pulley mounting bolts, remove the pulley from the bench, bench side idler also be removed.
Loosen the separator body mounting bolts, remove the body from the bench, and then you can start a new belt package (non-magnetic blade should be installed, fastening and welding stopper), note the direction and unloading iron belt scraper run direction.
On the ground put two wide planks, will unload iron belt on it.
Roll up the side of the separator iron unloading belt and the main body, insert the belt driven pulley inside (with a crane lifting)
The gantry crane to the top of the separator body and fastened with bolts body bench.
The main, driven pulley and idler alignment fixed after strong stand in, please note the main, driven belt parallel and with the same size of the gap inside the gantry.
Installed chain, chains and regulate the tightness of the belt, cover shield.
Make sure to check all bolts tightened after a good start reducer, if the unloading iron belt deviation phenomenon appears, press the 7.5 to adjust.
11 Quality assurance and after-sales service commitment
Our full implementation of ISO9001 requirements of the relevant services, products, the implementation of "three guarantees" (repair, replacement or return) and the "three guarantees", sales of products year warranty, the user needs in the course samarium cobalt magnets of such services arrived at the scene, Guaranteed to send service personnel, arrived at the scene within 24 hours of service.
12 Details of Plate magnets wearing parts and spare parts
Bearings (ball with a block-oriented radial ball bearings)
Chain: GB1243.1-83 16A-1 × 72
Reducer: XWD2.2-4-1/29
Unloading iron belt
Driven sprocket
Separators use
MC Series with electromagnetic separator is a non-magnetic material used to remove the bulk of the iron pieces electromagnetic devices, usually installed in the conveyor belt or the middle of the head. Powered magnetic force generated by a strong mix of iron in the material pick up after the unloading of iron belt thrown achieve the purpose of automatically cleared. So the series separator is widely used in electric power, mining, metallurgy, building materials, coal, chemical and other departments.
3 Conditions of Use
3.1 Altitude less than 2000m.
3.2 The ambient air magnetic tool holder temperature does not exceed +40 ℃, not lower than -20 ℃.
3.3 for non-explosive and non-corrosive gas environment.
3.4 temperature at 25 ℃ ambient relative humidity less than 90%.
3.5 and outdoor can be used.
4 Model
MC 1 2 ━ 3 4
M - electromagnetic machinery and equipment
C - Separators
1 - The first digit indicates the shape of the magnetic poles and the number of pole pairs, the meaning of each number as follows: 0 - Round pole 1-1 2-2 pairs of poles for pole
2 - The second digit magnetic coolant separator indicates usage, the meaning of each number is as follows:
1 - ore recovery using 2 - automatic unloading
3 - artificial discharge
3 - Capital Specifications Code:
Diameter circular electromagnet representation (cm); square magnet represents length × width (cm)
Note: The value of magnetic induction is such a requirement - a distance corresponding to the height of the pole hanging rated the geometric center of maximum magnetic flux density (which electromagnetic requires hot).
Magnetic induction unit conversion: 104GS = 1T = 103mT
3 Conditions of Use
3.1 Altitude less than 2000m.
3.2 The ambient air magnetic tool holder temperature does not exceed +40 ℃, not lower than -20 ℃.
3.3 for non-explosive and non-corrosive gas environment.
3.4 temperature at 25 ℃ ambient relative humidity less than 90%.
3.5 and outdoor can be used.
4 Model
MC 1 2 ━ 3 4
M - electromagnetic machinery and equipment
C - Separators
1 - The first digit indicates the shape of the magnetic poles and the number of pole pairs, the meaning of each number as follows: 0 - Round pole 1-1 2-2 pairs of poles for pole
2 - The second digit magnetic coolant separator indicates usage, the meaning of each number is as follows:
1 - ore recovery using 2 - automatic unloading
3 - artificial discharge
3 - Capital Specifications Code:
Diameter circular electromagnet representation (cm); square magnet represents length × width (cm)
Note: The value of magnetic induction is such a requirement - a distance corresponding to the height of the pole hanging rated the geometric center of maximum magnetic flux density (which electromagnetic requires hot).
Magnetic induction unit conversion: 104GS = 1T = 103mT
Separators structural features
MC series with magnetic separator iron by the body and the bodies of two parts unloading.
Magnetic separator body design is reasonable, the magnetic field strength, magnetic permeability depth, it is suitable for the material layer thicker occasions in addition to iron. Because a fully sealed structure, the manufacturing process by Drawer Magnet vacuum drying special treatment, they are able to effectively prevent dust and erosion of harmful gases to the coil on the environment and climate adaptability, long service life.
Unloading mechanism consists of iron bench, cycloid reducer (hereinafter referred to as reducer), the main driven pulleys, idlers, sprockets, chains and belts fitted with scraper unloading iron composition.
Unloading iron belt tension and adjust the deviation in the case of non-stop use of the bearing adjusting device. Its structure is shown in Fig.
Magnetic separator body design is reasonable, the magnetic field strength, magnetic permeability depth, it is suitable for the material layer thicker occasions in addition to iron. Because a fully sealed structure, the manufacturing process by Drawer Magnet vacuum drying special treatment, they are able to effectively prevent dust and erosion of harmful gases to the coil on the environment and climate adaptability, long service life.
Unloading mechanism consists of iron bench, cycloid reducer (hereinafter referred to as reducer), the main driven pulleys, idlers, sprockets, chains and belts fitted with scraper unloading iron composition.
Unloading iron belt tension and adjust the deviation in the case of non-stop use of the bearing adjusting device. Its structure is shown in Fig.
drum magnetic separator
Permanent magnet drum magnetic separator used in metallurgy mine mining beneficiation, processing plant and other enterprises, institutions and individual users, used for radial magnets sorting fine particles of magnetic minerals, or removing the non-magnetic minerals in the mixed magnetic minerals. Permanent magnet drum Magnetic field strength machine is a high wet magnetic separator. Using magnetic high rare earth neodymium magnet blocks and blocks of composite ferrite magnetic system, with a high magnetic field strength. Magnetic field depth, demagnetization and other characteristics. Therefore, equipment processing capacity, the production fluctuations adaptability, sorting effect.
Drum magnetic separator for particle size less than 3mm pyrrhotite, magnetite, calcined ore, ilmenite and other materials wet magnetic separation; also for coal, non-metallic minerals, building materials and other materials in addition to iron work. Its magnetic system using high quality ferrite materials (rare earth magnets or composite), tube sheet average magnetic induction intensity 100 ~ 600 mT. according to different user needs, providing downstream, semi-countercurrent, countercurrent type, and other strong magnetic different tables. magnetic separator has a simple structure, large capacity, easy to operate, easy to maintain.
Drum magnetic separator for particle size less than 3mm pyrrhotite, magnetite, calcined ore, ilmenite and other materials wet magnetic separation; also for coal, non-metallic minerals, building materials and other materials in addition to iron work. Its magnetic system using high quality ferrite materials (rare earth magnets or composite), tube sheet average magnetic induction intensity 100 ~ 600 mT. according to different user needs, providing downstream, semi-countercurrent, countercurrent type, and other strong magnetic different tables. magnetic separator has a simple structure, large capacity, easy to operate, easy to maintain.
drum magnetic separator classification
Magnetic separator can be divided into low magnetic field intensity magnetic separator, the magnetic separator, high magnetic separator; generating a magnetic field in accordance with a method can be divided into electromagnetic and permanent magnetic separator magnetic separator; according to different structures and can be divided into disc, drum, roller, ring, drum, transfer cage and belt magnetic separator; sorting methods can be divided by dry and wet magnetic separator.
Can be divided into magnetic sweeper downstream magnetic separator and semi-countercurrent separator:
Downstream permanent magnet drum magnetic separator, the slurry moving direction or the direction of rotation of the cylindrical products moving in the same direction. Slurry from the tank to the mine directly into the cylinder below the magnetic system, the non-magnetic mineral particles and mineral particles by a weak magnetic cylinder below the bottom of the gap between the two discharge. Magnetic mineral particles sucked in the cylinder surface, together with the cylinder rotates to the magnetic lines at the edge of the magnetic field is weak, the mine water discharge be landed to concentrate tank. Downstream magnetic machine simple structure, large capacity, more than one series can also be used for selection of particle size of 6 ~ 0mm strong magnetic ore coarse roughing and operations, or for the recovery of the magnetic heavy media . Semi-countercurrent permanent magnet drum magnetic Plate magnets separator, to loose ore pulp is suspended from the bottom of the tank into the separation space, pulp movement direction and the direction of the magnetic force is basically the same, so the mineral particles can reach very high cylindrical magnetic force surface. In addition, the tailings from the tailings discharge hole on the bottom, so that the height of the overflow surface can be maintained in the slurry tank level. The above two characteristics determine semi-counterflow separator to receive a higher quality of concentrate and metal recovery. It is widely and to handle micro-fine (less than 0.2mm) thick ferromagnetic ore selection and selection operations. This separator can be more than one series, and raise the concentrate grade.
Can be divided into magnetic sweeper downstream magnetic separator and semi-countercurrent separator:
Downstream permanent magnet drum magnetic separator, the slurry moving direction or the direction of rotation of the cylindrical products moving in the same direction. Slurry from the tank to the mine directly into the cylinder below the magnetic system, the non-magnetic mineral particles and mineral particles by a weak magnetic cylinder below the bottom of the gap between the two discharge. Magnetic mineral particles sucked in the cylinder surface, together with the cylinder rotates to the magnetic lines at the edge of the magnetic field is weak, the mine water discharge be landed to concentrate tank. Downstream magnetic machine simple structure, large capacity, more than one series can also be used for selection of particle size of 6 ~ 0mm strong magnetic ore coarse roughing and operations, or for the recovery of the magnetic heavy media . Semi-countercurrent permanent magnet drum magnetic Plate magnets separator, to loose ore pulp is suspended from the bottom of the tank into the separation space, pulp movement direction and the direction of the magnetic force is basically the same, so the mineral particles can reach very high cylindrical magnetic force surface. In addition, the tailings from the tailings discharge hole on the bottom, so that the height of the overflow surface can be maintained in the slurry tank level. The above two characteristics determine semi-counterflow separator to receive a higher quality of concentrate and metal recovery. It is widely and to handle micro-fine (less than 0.2mm) thick ferromagnetic ore selection and selection operations. This separator can be more than one series, and raise the concentrate grade.
the regulation slag magnetic separator magnetic poles advanced technology
Entire slag separator machinery and machinery transmission oil checked, and then start the first election slag separator and water systems, to be normal after turning slag separator Kai
Dynamic loading motor. Sorting technical indicators have not achieved satisfactory results, especially the use of magnetic - flotation process to make some mines combined sorting reached iron
Concentrate grade, iron ore recovery satisfaction index can say our country from the "Plan" beginning laterite () research work has been basically reached the expected goal, red ore magnetic systems beneficiation technology
Surgery problem has been basically solved.
In the production run, due to slag separator performance is unchanged, into the compound magnetic content size is generally not adjustable, so it is reflected in the site
Operational level, and because concentrate grade meet the requirements, has little effect on performance efficiency, so that you can test in the actual production of tailings with a medium volume and unit volume
Tailings magnetic content quickly determine the size of these two values the effect of magnetic separation process.
On magnetic iron ore ore magnetic analysis. From the ore magnetic analysis results, obtained when the grinding fineness-0.030mm90% monomer solution when magnetite
From the degree to reach about 85%, therefore, for early gangue monomer ran to avoid the next stage grinding operation, the process should be chosen stage grinding stage sorting. Magnetic roller
By dragging speed motor, the speed of the speed to be adjusted through the governor table, you can control the slag separator production and concentrate grade. Mineral particles are fed by conveyor belt on the magnetic
Roller sorting, magnetic cube magnets mineral particles due immediately adsorbed by a strong magnetic field in the magnetic roller, while the gangue grains (miscellaneous stone, sand) the absence of a magnetic (magnetic weak), magnetic roller magnetic
It does not produce suction.
General requirements concentrates magnetic material content of more than 90%, the performance efficiency of more than 99% or tailings with a medium volume of less than 0.30g / L. Concentrate magnetic material content below 85%, the weight
Difficult to maintain stable suspension system, this time without the efficiency of computing performance can be directly assessed the magnetic separation process failed, thus avoiding the magnetic material may be due to concentrate
Content is very low but the performance is a result of more efficient assessment bias, for two-stage magnetic separation process, the use of comprehensive assessment.
Competitiveness of the magnetic particles from the magnetic force, also known from the force. Obviously, the magnetic particles and non-magnetic particle separation of magnetic particles is a necessary condition suffered
Magnetic greater competitiveness. Slag can solenoid core and magnetic poles magnetized machine, in which a magnetic field is generated around. In the grinding work, we slag separator material
Grinding grain size required to have a certain control range, which grinding operation is also required according to the requirements of some of the details of the note can be more suitable for
In slag magnetic separator magnetic separator.
Feeding motor starting, bucket system is operating normally, release the brake arm. Slowly it down, and other than the sand hopper 2/3, to stop decentralization, to be
To 1/3 of the funding again when the big arm. When the big arm and the surface of the water into a 45-degree angle, you should stop into the big arm. There are major beneficiation process re-election, flotation and strong magnetic beneficiation process, or a variety of
And use, and there have been magnetizing roasting weak magnetic beneficiation process early general use re-election process, the main jig, centrifugal concentrator, spiral chute, spiral-election
Mining machine, shaker, etc., due to its ore processing capacity is small, low grade ore, low recovery and gradually be eliminated later developed the flotation beneficiation process and high intensity magnetic separation process, the main
To oxidized paraffin soap as positive flotation flotation process and flat ring strong electromagnetic separator slag sorting equipment for the strong magnetic separation process.
On a fine sieve to be demagnetized mine is very necessary. Main reason is the size of the magnetic particles is too small, the magnetic force sufficient to overcome the fluid resistance, etc. competitiveness; latter
Has led to decline in the grade of magnetic products, mostly because there is a strong interaction between the particles force, particle size monthly interest rate, the greater the concentration of slurry particles with each other
Force is more obvious.
Slag separator is used in the re-use of powdered iron removal mitochondria, widely used in recycling, timber, mining, ceramics, chemicals, food and other
Workshops for particle size below 3mm magnetite, pyrrhotite, roasted ore, ilmenite and other materials wet magnetic separation, but also for coal, non-metallic minerals, building materials and other materials
, Iron work, is the industry's most widely used high versatility of the aircraft world.
Then how much sand hopper switch traction control, move forward to see how much sand bucket may be, forward and back to be flexible in case of mechanical work sand cave
Difficult or does not move when you pull traction Shengsong open the boat to the back until it stops digging. In case of large stones under water or mud layer, the hull will have severe vibration phenomenon, then
Should immediately lift the dredging arm, avoid obstacles and then proceed.
Dynamic loading motor. Sorting technical indicators have not achieved satisfactory results, especially the use of magnetic - flotation process to make some mines combined sorting reached iron
Concentrate grade, iron ore recovery satisfaction index can say our country from the "Plan" beginning laterite () research work has been basically reached the expected goal, red ore magnetic systems beneficiation technology
Surgery problem has been basically solved.
In the production run, due to slag separator performance is unchanged, into the compound magnetic content size is generally not adjustable, so it is reflected in the site
Operational level, and because concentrate grade meet the requirements, has little effect on performance efficiency, so that you can test in the actual production of tailings with a medium volume and unit volume
Tailings magnetic content quickly determine the size of these two values the effect of magnetic separation process.
On magnetic iron ore ore magnetic analysis. From the ore magnetic analysis results, obtained when the grinding fineness-0.030mm90% monomer solution when magnetite
From the degree to reach about 85%, therefore, for early gangue monomer ran to avoid the next stage grinding operation, the process should be chosen stage grinding stage sorting. Magnetic roller
By dragging speed motor, the speed of the speed to be adjusted through the governor table, you can control the slag separator production and concentrate grade. Mineral particles are fed by conveyor belt on the magnetic
Roller sorting, magnetic cube magnets mineral particles due immediately adsorbed by a strong magnetic field in the magnetic roller, while the gangue grains (miscellaneous stone, sand) the absence of a magnetic (magnetic weak), magnetic roller magnetic
It does not produce suction.
General requirements concentrates magnetic material content of more than 90%, the performance efficiency of more than 99% or tailings with a medium volume of less than 0.30g / L. Concentrate magnetic material content below 85%, the weight
Difficult to maintain stable suspension system, this time without the efficiency of computing performance can be directly assessed the magnetic separation process failed, thus avoiding the magnetic material may be due to concentrate
Content is very low but the performance is a result of more efficient assessment bias, for two-stage magnetic separation process, the use of comprehensive assessment.
Competitiveness of the magnetic particles from the magnetic force, also known from the force. Obviously, the magnetic particles and non-magnetic particle separation of magnetic particles is a necessary condition suffered
Magnetic greater competitiveness. Slag can solenoid core and magnetic poles magnetized machine, in which a magnetic field is generated around. In the grinding work, we slag separator material
Grinding grain size required to have a certain control range, which grinding operation is also required according to the requirements of some of the details of the note can be more suitable for
In slag magnetic separator magnetic separator.
Feeding motor starting, bucket system is operating normally, release the brake arm. Slowly it down, and other than the sand hopper 2/3, to stop decentralization, to be
To 1/3 of the funding again when the big arm. When the big arm and the surface of the water into a 45-degree angle, you should stop into the big arm. There are major beneficiation process re-election, flotation and strong magnetic beneficiation process, or a variety of
And use, and there have been magnetizing roasting weak magnetic beneficiation process early general use re-election process, the main jig, centrifugal concentrator, spiral chute, spiral-election
Mining machine, shaker, etc., due to its ore processing capacity is small, low grade ore, low recovery and gradually be eliminated later developed the flotation beneficiation process and high intensity magnetic separation process, the main
To oxidized paraffin soap as positive flotation flotation process and flat ring strong electromagnetic separator slag sorting equipment for the strong magnetic separation process.
On a fine sieve to be demagnetized mine is very necessary. Main reason is the size of the magnetic particles is too small, the magnetic force sufficient to overcome the fluid resistance, etc. competitiveness; latter
Has led to decline in the grade of magnetic products, mostly because there is a strong interaction between the particles force, particle size monthly interest rate, the greater the concentration of slurry particles with each other
Force is more obvious.
Slag separator is used in the re-use of powdered iron removal mitochondria, widely used in recycling, timber, mining, ceramics, chemicals, food and other
Workshops for particle size below 3mm magnetite, pyrrhotite, roasted ore, ilmenite and other materials wet magnetic separation, but also for coal, non-metallic minerals, building materials and other materials
, Iron work, is the industry's most widely used high versatility of the aircraft world.
Then how much sand hopper switch traction control, move forward to see how much sand bucket may be, forward and back to be flexible in case of mechanical work sand cave
Difficult or does not move when you pull traction Shengsong open the boat to the back until it stops digging. In case of large stones under water or mud layer, the hull will have severe vibration phenomenon, then
Should immediately lift the dredging arm, avoid obstacles and then proceed.
often maintenance ilmenite magnetic separator to solve minor problems occurred in operation
improve fine manganese ore flotation machine flotation process measures play the biggest role?
The role of the fine particles from the granules, due to surfaces of the particles can be significantly enhanced, in certain conditions, the type of fine mineral interaction easily occurs between coagulation and the formation of non-selectivity
Aggregate, fine particles easily adhered to the surface of the coarse sludge cover, the role of the medium from the granules look fine with a large specific surface area and surface energy, therefore, with a more
Pharmacy high adsorption capacity, adsorption selectivity, surface increased solubility. Yu hair experts, manganese ore flotation machine affect the main factors the nature of the ore, ferromanganese
Flotation machine equipment performance characteristics and circumstances to the mine site. The production of manganese ore flotation machine usually through the overflow slurry concentration to control the fineness of the ore. General
, The pulp density is low, the overflow fine grain size, concentration, overflow granularity thicker.
Make pulp "inevitably ions" increase the 'quality of small easily entrained water and foam machinery mechanical entrainment' from fines and the role of bubbles, due to the efficiency of contact and adhesion
Efficiency is reduced, the bubbles on the ore particles capture rate has dropped, while producing bubbles slimes "armored" phenomenon, affecting the carrying capacity of air bubbles. Increase manganese ore flotation machine floating
Measure the speed can be selected within an appropriate range, increasing manganese ore flotation machine impeller speed, to reduce the depth of the trough, the impeller and the best cover of the gap increased shrinking
Measures can contribute to flotation rate.
Many domestic famous experts concluded intentions attention to washing machines that. If too thick slurry, the slurry viscosity will be relatively large particle sedimentation disruption also
Relatively large, sedimentation rate will slow down, resulting in some coarse mineral particles had a chance to sink in the flow of the slurry will be level with the weir, so that overflow coarsening. As
Fruit pulp density is too low, it may overflow coarsening situation. This is because the concentration is too low, in order to maintain a certain quality calculation according to the production capacity of the solid, the mine
Plasma volume must be very great, leading to the rise of the slurry flow rate and the level of flow also increased, thus making the overflow coarsening.
Vacuum flotation, the use of a pressure relief device of solution from the vacuum flotation microbubbles, bubble size is generally O. 1 ~ O. 5 mm. Studies have shown that from the water analysis
Microbubble flotation of fine barite, fluorite, quartz, etc. are effective. Other conditions are the same, using conventional flotation, barite concentrate grade of 54.4% return
The yield was 30.6%, while the quality of the vacuum flotation can be increased to 53.6 ~ 63.6%, corresponding to recovery of 52.9-45.7%.
Suitable flotation pulp density. In this case appropriate concentration, either maintaining the spiral stone washing machine when a certain ore particle size for maximum production; while
Maintain a productivity can be achieved when the minimum separation size. This concentration is called the critical concentration. Manganese ore flotation machine should be appropriate to the ore, and to maintain uniformity
Stable, to make the flotation process normally, check for good effect results.
Electrolytic flotation, obtained by electrolysis of water microbubbles, bubble size generally of 0.02 -0.06 mm, for cassiterite flotation of fine particles, the single-electrolytic hydrogen bubbles float
Select rougher than conventional flotation recoveries increased significantly, from 35.5% to 79.5%, while grade increased by 0.8%. Manganese ore flotation machine according to the design requirements,
Manganese ore flotation machine should be easy to adjust the control speed, and the speed value visualization, new manganese ore flotation flotation machine motor shaft through a coupling directly connected to the electric
Installed on the drive, to digital manganese ore flotation machine speed, the speed control range of 0-3000rpm. Critical concentration value actually produced by the test and the reference to class
Like flotation concentrator indicators to determine. So as to allow manganese ore in the flotation process flotation machine play the biggest role.
To improve the speed of manganese ore flotation machine flotation should first be noted that manganese ore flotation machine bubble mineralization. Mineral particles attach to the air bubbles selective flotation of the most
Basic behavior. We minerals easy to float and float difficult nature called mineral floatability. Flotation is the use of mineral floatability of the difference sorting minerals. Rational
Adjust prescription can change minerals floatability, so to float minerals can be selectively attached to the bubbles, so as to achieve the purpose of dressing, under normal circumstances a slight increase in those from
Foaming agents will promote flotation rate. It must be noted: Excessive foaming agent may reduce selectivity, therefore, the selection of the dose and the collector case of large, should note
The equipment consists of a cylindrical, roller, brush roller, magnetic system, tank, transmission parts 6 parts; magnetic system using high-quality ferrite material or composite made with rare earth magnets,
Previous average magnetic induction tube sheet is 800-4000mT. At present, because the development of technology, ilmenite magnetic separator can be made into a roll, the magnetic field strength is increased to 8000mT;
For particle size below 3mm magnetite, pyrrhotite, roasted ore, ilmenite and other materials, wet or N52 magnet dry magnetic separation, but also for coal, non-metallic minerals, building materials and other things
Material, iron work.
New ilmenite magnetic separator made of high quality ferrite material or composite made with rare earth magnets, the magnetic roller surface average magnetic induction intensity of 100 ~ 600mT. The user
Needs, providing downstream, semi-counter, and a variety of different tables and strong magnetic separation. In operation, for each group of magnetic medium, the direction of wash concentrate
In the opposite direction to the mine, coarse particles do not pass through the magnetic medium can flush out the heap, thereby effectively preventing clogging of the magnetic medium; setting slurry frequency vibration mechanism, the drive
Pulp pulsating flow strength. Physical pulsating flow under the action of mineral particles in the slurry state is always in a loose, can improve the quality of the magnetic concentrate.
Because ilmenite magnetic separator beneficiation industry in the use value, making it the industry's most widely used high versatility of the aircraft, one of the development of technology,
Yu hair ilmenite roll separator can be made, the magnetic field strength is increased to 8000mT. Already is the highest field strength measured. High Production Efficiency: Dry without water
And therefore are not subject to water restrictions, perennial continuous production of anhydrous region, seasonally dry areas, alpine areas, the annual increase 100-150 days, effective
Improve equipment utilization. magnetic systems Adapt to industry wide: Yu Fa Machinery specializes in producing various types of ilmenite magnetic separator equipment, to meet a variety of iron ore, sand, tailings, slag,
Steel gray, sulfuric acid residue, abrasives, refractories, board, rubber, food and many other industries demand, some of the equipment but also a multi-purpose machine.
It works with the sorting process: pre-ore discharged from the cylinder to the mine strong magnetic minerals after being sucked tines on the disc, and with the rotation of the disc to the belt with two
Side, where the magnetic field strength is drastically lowered, the gravity and the centrifugal force, the non-magnetic products shipped to the tailing end of the belt into the trough in the non-magnetic product (
Normally tailings). Ilmenite magnetic separator device above the blockage causes for prevention. The ore slurry to flow into the tank after tank, water pipe in the water flow to the mine action
Under a loose mineral particles into the tank of the state to mine.
Ilmenite magnetic separator for dry magnetic separation of magnetic minerals processing machinery, as opposed to wet mineral ilmenite magnetic separator to be used when sorting liquids as
Thinner improve the separation efficiency, the ilmenite magnetic separator is required to be dried mineral separation between the particles can move freely, as an independent free state, ilmenite
Magnetic separator equipment, too, the use of high-quality ferrite material or a composite made with rare earth magnets, tube sheet before the average magnetic induction intensity is 800-4000mT. At present, because technology
Technique development, ilmenite magnetic separator can be made into a roll, the magnetic field strength is increased to 8000mT. Already is the highest measured magnetic field strength, but some problems are more
Small problems, as long as usual in the production of a lot of attention when it can be avoided, and if you really appear in the problem, do not worry, here we send Heavy technician Yu
Members will explain it for you, often to maintain and repair equipment ilmenite magnetic separator, magnetic separator ilmenite believe you will be better, more time for you to "sell
Force ", I believe here you will learn about the ilmenite magnetic separator equipment maintenance.
Dressing without water: As the Company ilmenite dry magnetic separator, so no water, and water-election compared to a non-sewage sludge produced two can save water resources. Minute
Selection effect: Since this machine adopts a dynamic magnetic system design, mineral material in the surface of the roller slide, displacement and roll, roller nonstick material is conducive to material sorting, primary grades can
Increased 1-4 times, once selected grades of up to 60%. Processing capacity: Since the adoption of wrap-open magnetic system, the material does not wrap the group, no clogging, thus
Processing capacity, a single primary ore processing machine capacity up to 50 tons or more, can be tied in parallel multi-machine use, doubling production.
The role of the fine particles from the granules, due to surfaces of the particles can be significantly enhanced, in certain conditions, the type of fine mineral interaction easily occurs between coagulation and the formation of non-selectivity
Aggregate, fine particles easily adhered to the surface of the coarse sludge cover, the role of the medium from the granules look fine with a large specific surface area and surface energy, therefore, with a more
Pharmacy high adsorption capacity, adsorption selectivity, surface increased solubility. Yu hair experts, manganese ore flotation machine affect the main factors the nature of the ore, ferromanganese
Flotation machine equipment performance characteristics and circumstances to the mine site. The production of manganese ore flotation machine usually through the overflow slurry concentration to control the fineness of the ore. General
, The pulp density is low, the overflow fine grain size, concentration, overflow granularity thicker.
Make pulp "inevitably ions" increase the 'quality of small easily entrained water and foam machinery mechanical entrainment' from fines and the role of bubbles, due to the efficiency of contact and adhesion
Efficiency is reduced, the bubbles on the ore particles capture rate has dropped, while producing bubbles slimes "armored" phenomenon, affecting the carrying capacity of air bubbles. Increase manganese ore flotation machine floating
Measure the speed can be selected within an appropriate range, increasing manganese ore flotation machine impeller speed, to reduce the depth of the trough, the impeller and the best cover of the gap increased shrinking
Measures can contribute to flotation rate.
Many domestic famous experts concluded intentions attention to washing machines that. If too thick slurry, the slurry viscosity will be relatively large particle sedimentation disruption also
Relatively large, sedimentation rate will slow down, resulting in some coarse mineral particles had a chance to sink in the flow of the slurry will be level with the weir, so that overflow coarsening. As
Fruit pulp density is too low, it may overflow coarsening situation. This is because the concentration is too low, in order to maintain a certain quality calculation according to the production capacity of the solid, the mine
Plasma volume must be very great, leading to the rise of the slurry flow rate and the level of flow also increased, thus making the overflow coarsening.
Vacuum flotation, the use of a pressure relief device of solution from the vacuum flotation microbubbles, bubble size is generally O. 1 ~ O. 5 mm. Studies have shown that from the water analysis
Microbubble flotation of fine barite, fluorite, quartz, etc. are effective. Other conditions are the same, using conventional flotation, barite concentrate grade of 54.4% return
The yield was 30.6%, while the quality of the vacuum flotation can be increased to 53.6 ~ 63.6%, corresponding to recovery of 52.9-45.7%.
Suitable flotation pulp density. In this case appropriate concentration, either maintaining the spiral stone washing machine when a certain ore particle size for maximum production; while
Maintain a productivity can be achieved when the minimum separation size. This concentration is called the critical concentration. Manganese ore flotation machine should be appropriate to the ore, and to maintain uniformity
Stable, to make the flotation process normally, check for good effect results.
Electrolytic flotation, obtained by electrolysis of water microbubbles, bubble size generally of 0.02 -0.06 mm, for cassiterite flotation of fine particles, the single-electrolytic hydrogen bubbles float
Select rougher than conventional flotation recoveries increased significantly, from 35.5% to 79.5%, while grade increased by 0.8%. Manganese ore flotation machine according to the design requirements,
Manganese ore flotation machine should be easy to adjust the control speed, and the speed value visualization, new manganese ore flotation flotation machine motor shaft through a coupling directly connected to the electric
Installed on the drive, to digital manganese ore flotation machine speed, the speed control range of 0-3000rpm. Critical concentration value actually produced by the test and the reference to class
Like flotation concentrator indicators to determine. So as to allow manganese ore in the flotation process flotation machine play the biggest role.
To improve the speed of manganese ore flotation machine flotation should first be noted that manganese ore flotation machine bubble mineralization. Mineral particles attach to the air bubbles selective flotation of the most
Basic behavior. We minerals easy to float and float difficult nature called mineral floatability. Flotation is the use of mineral floatability of the difference sorting minerals. Rational
Adjust prescription can change minerals floatability, so to float minerals can be selectively attached to the bubbles, so as to achieve the purpose of dressing, under normal circumstances a slight increase in those from
Foaming agents will promote flotation rate. It must be noted: Excessive foaming agent may reduce selectivity, therefore, the selection of the dose and the collector case of large, should note
The equipment consists of a cylindrical, roller, brush roller, magnetic system, tank, transmission parts 6 parts; magnetic system using high-quality ferrite material or composite made with rare earth magnets,
Previous average magnetic induction tube sheet is 800-4000mT. At present, because the development of technology, ilmenite magnetic separator can be made into a roll, the magnetic field strength is increased to 8000mT;
For particle size below 3mm magnetite, pyrrhotite, roasted ore, ilmenite and other materials, wet or N52 magnet dry magnetic separation, but also for coal, non-metallic minerals, building materials and other things
Material, iron work.
New ilmenite magnetic separator made of high quality ferrite material or composite made with rare earth magnets, the magnetic roller surface average magnetic induction intensity of 100 ~ 600mT. The user
Needs, providing downstream, semi-counter, and a variety of different tables and strong magnetic separation. In operation, for each group of magnetic medium, the direction of wash concentrate
In the opposite direction to the mine, coarse particles do not pass through the magnetic medium can flush out the heap, thereby effectively preventing clogging of the magnetic medium; setting slurry frequency vibration mechanism, the drive
Pulp pulsating flow strength. Physical pulsating flow under the action of mineral particles in the slurry state is always in a loose, can improve the quality of the magnetic concentrate.
Because ilmenite magnetic separator beneficiation industry in the use value, making it the industry's most widely used high versatility of the aircraft, one of the development of technology,
Yu hair ilmenite roll separator can be made, the magnetic field strength is increased to 8000mT. Already is the highest field strength measured. High Production Efficiency: Dry without water
And therefore are not subject to water restrictions, perennial continuous production of anhydrous region, seasonally dry areas, alpine areas, the annual increase 100-150 days, effective
Improve equipment utilization. magnetic systems Adapt to industry wide: Yu Fa Machinery specializes in producing various types of ilmenite magnetic separator equipment, to meet a variety of iron ore, sand, tailings, slag,
Steel gray, sulfuric acid residue, abrasives, refractories, board, rubber, food and many other industries demand, some of the equipment but also a multi-purpose machine.
It works with the sorting process: pre-ore discharged from the cylinder to the mine strong magnetic minerals after being sucked tines on the disc, and with the rotation of the disc to the belt with two
Side, where the magnetic field strength is drastically lowered, the gravity and the centrifugal force, the non-magnetic products shipped to the tailing end of the belt into the trough in the non-magnetic product (
Normally tailings). Ilmenite magnetic separator device above the blockage causes for prevention. The ore slurry to flow into the tank after tank, water pipe in the water flow to the mine action
Under a loose mineral particles into the tank of the state to mine.
Ilmenite magnetic separator for dry magnetic separation of magnetic minerals processing machinery, as opposed to wet mineral ilmenite magnetic separator to be used when sorting liquids as
Thinner improve the separation efficiency, the ilmenite magnetic separator is required to be dried mineral separation between the particles can move freely, as an independent free state, ilmenite
Magnetic separator equipment, too, the use of high-quality ferrite material or a composite made with rare earth magnets, tube sheet before the average magnetic induction intensity is 800-4000mT. At present, because technology
Technique development, ilmenite magnetic separator can be made into a roll, the magnetic field strength is increased to 8000mT. Already is the highest measured magnetic field strength, but some problems are more
Small problems, as long as usual in the production of a lot of attention when it can be avoided, and if you really appear in the problem, do not worry, here we send Heavy technician Yu
Members will explain it for you, often to maintain and repair equipment ilmenite magnetic separator, magnetic separator ilmenite believe you will be better, more time for you to "sell
Force ", I believe here you will learn about the ilmenite magnetic separator equipment maintenance.
Dressing without water: As the Company ilmenite dry magnetic separator, so no water, and water-election compared to a non-sewage sludge produced two can save water resources. Minute
Selection effect: Since this machine adopts a dynamic magnetic system design, mineral material in the surface of the roller slide, displacement and roll, roller nonstick material is conducive to material sorting, primary grades can
Increased 1-4 times, once selected grades of up to 60%. Processing capacity: Since the adoption of wrap-open magnetic system, the material does not wrap the group, no clogging, thus
Processing capacity, a single primary ore processing machine capacity up to 50 tons or more, can be tied in parallel multi-machine use, doubling production.
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