If at this time the nuclear spin system subjected to external radio frequency effects,neodymium arc magnet such as a certain frequency excitation nuclei can cause resonance effects. After the RF pulse stops, has intensified nuclei spin system can not be maintained in this state, we will revert to the original arrangement of the magnetic field in the state, while the release of weak energy, become radio signals, these many signal detection, and When the spatial resolution,samarium magnets you get movement nuclei distribution image. MRI is characterized by the flow of the liquid does not generate a signal called flow effect blank or flow effects
MAG SPRING NINGBO ZHENHAI I&E LTD is a leading specialist in dependable and environmental-friendly designing, manufacturing, exporting and importing for various industrial magnets and magnetic products that provide pioneering magnetic solutions for global customers.
Ferrit haltemagnet

when the system reaches equilibrium
Under normal circumstances, the arrangement of atomic nuclei spin axis is erratic, but will be placed in an external magnetic field, neodymium cylinder magnets the nuclear spin spatial orientation of the transition from disorder to order. Magnetization vector of the spin system is gradually increased from zero, when the system reaches equilibrium, the grid magnet a stable value
Therefore vascular tubular structure is gray
Therefore vascular tubular structure is gray, block neodymium magnets and black blood is no signal. This makes soft tissue vascular easily separated. The surrounding normal cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the spinal cord, cerebrospinal fluid is black, and white fat are set off dura, spinal cord appear as white strong signal structure. MRI has been used in diagnostic imaging of the whole body system. The best is brain, super neodymium magnets and spinal cord, heart and great vessels, joints bones, soft tissue and pelvic
Cardiovascular disease not only can observe the chambers
Cardiovascular disease not only can observe the chambers,heatable magnetic filter great vessels and anatomical changes in the valve, but can be used for ventricular analysis, qualitative and semi-quantitative diagnosis, can be used for multiple cutout, high spatial resolution, neodymium cylinder magnets show the whole picture of the heart and diseases , and its relationship with surrounding structures
magnetization seeds can improve crop production to a certain extent
magnetic rods not only diagnosis, but can help treat the disease. Magnet is blindly medicine ancient Chinese medicine. Now, people use magnetic differences in the blood to separate the different components of red blood cells and white blood cells. In addition, the magnetic interaction with the human body can achieve magnetic meridian, has a unique role in the treatment of various diseases, has magnetic pillow, grid magnet and other applications. Magnet separator made of flour can remove iron may be present in the end, magnetized water can prevent boiler scale, the magnetization seeds can improve crop production to a certain extent.
which is why we recommend mainly NdFeB magnet surface preservative treatment
ndfeb magnets suitable for storage in a dry room, acidic, alkaline, organic solvents, water, and hot and humid environment tends to produce rust magnet, magnet powder coating off demagnetization. For non-plated products it should be noted that when coated anti-rust oil storage may be appropriate, which is why we recommend mainly NdFeB magnet surface preservative treatment. Magnets should pay attention away from disk storage, magnetic cards, magnetic tube, computer monitors, watches and other objects sensitive to magnetic fields on heart pacemakers and other electronic medical devices also should stay away from, or very dangerous.
block neodymium magnets
neodymium magnets are Sumitomo Special Metals Corporation Sagawa, who live invented in 1982, known by its chemical formula, etc. which is mainly composed of neodymium, iron and boron chemical element constituted,NdFeB magnets can be divided into two kinds of sintered NdFeB and Bonded NdFeB. Injection molding is actually bonded, and sintering is heated to high temperatures by vacuum molding! super
neodymium magnets
magnetic plate separator
Generally small at room temperature paramagnetic susceptibility substance magnetic plate
separator is about 10 ^ -5. Generally contain an odd number of electrons of atoms or molecules unfilled electron shell of atoms or ions such as transition elements, multi pole ring
magnets rare earth elements, lanthanides steel and other metals as well as aluminum platinum are all paramagnetic substances.
magnet filter
And strictly positive with the external magnetic field H is proportional.Magnetic paramagnetic substance in addition to the H-related things, samarium
cobalt magnets depends on the temperature. H with its magnetic susceptibility is inversely proportional to the absolute temperature,Where magnet
filter is a constant depending on the magnetization called the Curie paramagnetic substance and the magnetic moment size.
suspended magnet
The main characteristics of paramagnetic substance is applied regardless of the existence of atoms inside a magnetic field in the permanent magnetic moment. But in the absence of an applied magnetic traps due to the atomic paramagnetic substance random thermal vibrations do not seem macroscopic magnetic orientation in an applied magnetic field magnetic moments of each atom relatively regularly show very weak magnetic material. Magnetization and external suspended
magnet in the same direction
ndfeb ring magnets
ring magnets magnets are currently found in the commercialization of the highest performance magnets, known as magnetic king, we have extremely high magnetic its biggest energy product (BHmax) higher than the ferrite (Ferrite) more than 10 times. Machining performance itself is also very good. Operating temperature up to 200 degrees Celsius. And its hard texture, stable performance, good price, so its application is extremely broad. But because of sm2co17
magnet its chemical activity is very strong, it must deal with its surface coating
Iron-boron magnet strength
Iron-boron magnet strength: material grades are N35-N52; according to the specific requirements of processing a variety of shapes: circular, square, drilling, magnetic tile, magnetic grates magnetic, convex, trapezoidal; despite these advantages, but the surface is easy to Health rust, so usually require some protective surface treatment: nickel, zinc ,, gold-plated, epoxy resin and other applicable environmental temperature NdFeB magnets is below 200 degrees, mainly used in electronics, electrical appliances, packaging, electrical, toys, inline
magnetic filter leather goods, auto mechanics, etc.
Magnetic Grate
After the high-pressure pump start, Magnetic Grate when the pressure reaches 16 ~ 18MPa, the ball floated Simplified 0.13 ~ 0.18 mm, then you can start the mill. 15 min later, the ring gear and small Adequately lubricated gears, mill at 0.4 MPa of low pressure lubrication operation. Because job working operation or electrical problems, and sometimes high-pressure oil pressure does not reach a predetermined Oil pressure or high-pressure pump there is a problem to force the mill started at a lower pressure. At this point the host mill bearing pad is closely integrated with the state of the hollow shaft, friction Large, if start mill, not only easy to scratch pad, and a small gear due to localized sudden impact, prone to the phenomenon of broken teeth.The second reason for broken teeth: No disk drive or disk drive enough time
multipole ring magnet
multipole ring magnet medium and the opening of the drum wall was excluded from the drum, and the solid particles are trapped in the filter medium, and then the formation of cake layer, discharge drum in the spiral push,magnetic separator the centrifugal filter the entire feeding, separation, liquid, discharge is completed automatically and continuously.Magnetic separator has been widely used in machine tools and automatic line (not more than 100MM scroll chip and bulk chip, and the piston ring machining nodular cast iron used), samarium cobalt magnets it is water, oil cooling machine tool coolant system separating ferromagnetic material chip important chip removal device, especially with the magnetic line chip removal to deal with cast iron scraps
strong magnetic hooks
Strong magnetic hook: strong magnetic hook can attract iron and produces a magnetic field in the outer object. Strong magnetic hook narrow magnet refers to the products of magnetite ore, magnet tube generalized magnet refers to use for the object or device to generate a magnetic field. As a magnetic dipole magnet, can attract ferromagnetic materials, such as iron, nickel and cobalt metals. Decision [1] pole is a magnet to thin, pointed to the north pole is the north pole or N, pointing to the south pole to pole or S pole. If the earth like a big magnet, the earth's geomagnetic north pole is the S pole, N pole magnetic south pole is. strong magnetic hooks is a magnet heteropolar
magnetic plates
how the future development of magnetic separation equipment , power engineers for your support coup Uneven distribution of minerals , increasing the difficulty of mining beneficiation , increased its production costs , which requires MAG magnetfolie auto manufacturers to explore new ideas sand separator , painstaking research and development of new technology research and development , to reduce the beneficiation process difficult. Today, social competition is so fierce , magnetic plates so magnetic separator equipment in the future how to develop a strong bridge engineers to support the coup .
MAG Keramik-Magneten
den starken und schwachen Magnetscheider Magnetscheider wesentliche Unterschied zwischenHuineng Netto CBSKC.COM Anhörung : (1 )MAG magnetfilter Einführung und schwache Intensität Magnetscheider Magnetscheider Magnetfeldstärke Intervallbereich :ein . schwache Magnetfelder , magnetische Feldstärke zwischen etwa 800 ~ 2000Oe , ferromagnetischen Mineralien für die Sortierung .b .MAG magnettrommel starke Magnetfelder , magnetische Feldstärke von 6000 ~ 26000Oe , für die Wahl des schwach magnetischen Mineralien.c . MAG magnetitfilter Magnetscheider Magnetfeld , die magnetische Feldstärke von 2000 ~ 6000Oe .(2) Nach der Sortierung Job-Verarbeitung oder Handhabung von Trocken Erzschlamm Trennung Ausrüstung und in trockenen und nassen Kategorien setzen. Grob oder Schüttgut Fördertechnik , Nass- AusrüstungFeinkörnige und feinem MAG Keramik-Magneten
MAG ferrrite Magneten
it is necessary to strengthen the MAG ferrrite Magneten esearch and development of technology, a breakthrough in technology. Environmental protection and energy saving technology research and add new elements , so that it can play a protective role for the environment , it can be supported by relevant state policies , such enterprises will be able to develop long-term .
Third , build brand . Brand but also the future development of key enterprises , using only strengthen brand awareness of enterprises , MAG magnetfolie selbstklebend but also made a propaganda machine for the magnetic separation device ,
Third , build brand . Brand but also the future development of key enterprises , using only strengthen brand awareness of enterprises , MAG magnetfolie selbstklebend but also made a propaganda machine for the magnetic separation device ,
Analysis and design of magnetic separator
magnetic separator using magnetic minerals difference between leaving the different minerals beneficiation method to achieve a separation in an inhomogeneous magnetic field. Magnetic separation method is widely used in ferrous metal ore sorting, selection of non-ferrous and rare metals ore, heavy media beneficiation recovery media to remove iron impurities from the non-metallic mineral raw materials, neodymium ring magnet the discharge of iron and other material to protect the crusher equipment, recycling of scrap and removed from the production and domestic sewage and other contaminants from the slag produced in smelting.
magnetic separation machine
magnetic separator magnetic mineral particles by magnetic attraction, attached to the magnetic separator cylinder, the cylinder are brought together with a certain height, from the magnetic field from the magnetic separator tube
On the use of high pressure water will wash off. Magnetic separator magnetic separator is based on the difference between mineral particles for selected points. Mineral particles in a magnetic separator for separation of the diagram: When mine
Particles and gangue particles pass through magnetic separator, since the different magnetic mineral particles in the magnetic field under the effect of different ways of their motion is non-magnetic particles in a gangue
Separator magnetic attraction from the magnetic field, and thus can not be attached on a cylinder, to obtain two products, one is magnetic products enter the concentrate tank, a non-magnetic
Products into the tailings box. overband magnet development has reached a point of intense whether a higher level, you need a good policy job otherwise made
Show progress or regress shall not why it. Still very relevant to the needs of magnetic separation machine manufacturers give the corresponding policy job, so in order to be able to in a limited time
To do some pretty good things still very choice. Magnetic separator in the enterprise equipment manufacturers in the strength of the case is not very good particularly good case still need good
On the use of high pressure water will wash off. Magnetic separator magnetic separator is based on the difference between mineral particles for selected points. Mineral particles in a magnetic separator for separation of the diagram: When mine
Particles and gangue particles pass through magnetic separator, since the different magnetic mineral particles in the magnetic field under the effect of different ways of their motion is non-magnetic particles in a gangue
Separator magnetic attraction from the magnetic field, and thus can not be attached on a cylinder, to obtain two products, one is magnetic products enter the concentrate tank, a non-magnetic
Products into the tailings box. overband magnet development has reached a point of intense whether a higher level, you need a good policy job otherwise made
Show progress or regress shall not why it. Still very relevant to the needs of magnetic separation machine manufacturers give the corresponding policy job, so in order to be able to in a limited time
To do some pretty good things still very choice. Magnetic separator in the enterprise equipment manufacturers in the strength of the case is not very good particularly good case still need good
magnetische Trennung Prozesskontrolle
Wie die intermittierende zu mir magnettrommel Hochgradientmagnetscheider Magnetfeld , nach bestimmten Verfahren erforderlich, um auszuführen:
(L) , magnetische Trennleistungfür die Anregung ;
(2) Aufschlämmung in den Abscheider und zum Sortieren zugeführt wird;
(3) , und stellen Sie den Anschlag für die Bergbau- SchlammrückRührkessel ;
(4) die Stromzufuhr zu der Magneterregung;
( 5) und vertreiben Magnetscheider magnetitfiltermagnetischen Mineralien innerhalb .
Und periodisches Wiederholen der obigen Prozedur . Magnetische Trennverfahren Sequenz von der Ablaufsteuerung gesteuerte Umsetzung entsprechend den technischen Anforderungen der Steuersequenz vorprogrammiert und im Ablaufsteuerung gespeichert
Innen errichtet .
(L) , magnetische Trennleistungfür die Anregung ;
(2) Aufschlämmung in den Abscheider und zum Sortieren zugeführt wird;
(3) , und stellen Sie den Anschlag für die Bergbau- SchlammrückRührkessel ;
(4) die Stromzufuhr zu der Magneterregung;
( 5) und vertreiben Magnetscheider magnetitfiltermagnetischen Mineralien innerhalb .
Und periodisches Wiederholen der obigen Prozedur . Magnetische Trennverfahren Sequenz von der Ablaufsteuerung gesteuerte Umsetzung entsprechend den technischen Anforderungen der Steuersequenz vorprogrammiert und im Ablaufsteuerung gespeichert
Innen errichtet .
nassen magnetischen Trenn Leistungsmerkmale
Wet Magnetscheider Magnetsystem , MAG magnetfolie auto mit hochwertigen Ferrit-Material oder Verbundwerkstoff mit Seltenerd-Magneten , Rohrboden durchschnittliche Intensität der magnetischen Induktion von 100 ~ 600 m gemacht . Nach den Bedürfnissen der Benutzer kann eine Vielzahl von unterschiedlichen Tabellen starken Magnetabwärts, semi- Zähler zu schaffen, und so weiter. Der Separator hat eine einfache Struktur , große Kapazität, leicht zu bedienen, leicht zu warten.
Wet Permanent-Magnet- Separator Drum :
Wet Permanent-Magnet- Separator Drum ist ein Magnetscheider Eisenerz Konzentrator häufig verwendet , es gilt für die Sortierung ferromagnetischen MAG ferrrite Magneten Mineralien. Wet Permanent-Magnet- Separator Drum nach der Trogbauwerk in abwärts Gegen Stil , semi- Gegen drei unterteilt.
NasspermanentmagnettrommelmagnetscheiderAnlage neben Sortiermöglichkeitenwie in den letzten Jahren auch als Filter vor der Anreicherungsanlagen eingesetzt , um die Magnetentwässerungsbehälterersetzen.
Wet Permanent-Magnet- Separator Drum :
Wet Permanent-Magnet- Separator Drum ist ein Magnetscheider Eisenerz Konzentrator häufig verwendet , es gilt für die Sortierung ferromagnetischen MAG ferrrite Magneten Mineralien. Wet Permanent-Magnet- Separator Drum nach der Trogbauwerk in abwärts Gegen Stil , semi- Gegen drei unterteilt.
NasspermanentmagnettrommelmagnetscheiderAnlage neben Sortiermöglichkeitenwie in den letzten Jahren auch als Filter vor der Anreicherungsanlagen eingesetzt , um die Magnetentwässerungsbehälterersetzen.
What is the role of wet magnetic separation machine?
Wet magnetic separator: soft magnetic alloys are widely used. By proper technology, can effectively control the magnetic properties, such as permeability, more than 105 of the maximum magnetic permeability, low to 2 ‰ OE coercivity, close to 1 or close to rectangular coefficient of 0, and has a good plasticity has a face centered cubic crystal structure of Po Mo alloy, can be processed into 1 μ m thin tape and various shape. The commonly used alloy etc.. Wet Magnetic Separator saturated magnetic induction intensity ratio of silicon steel is slightly lower, but dozens of times higher permeability than silicon steel, iron loss is 2~3 times lower than the silicon steel. Made of high frequency transformer, small no-load current, suitable for the production of 100W following small high frequency transformer. Has good comprehensive properties, suitable for high frequency and low voltage transformer,Magnetic Trap is the leakage protection switch, common mode inductance iron core and the iron core current transformer core. Initial permeability can reach more than one hundred thousand, magnetic well suitable for weak signal of low frequency and high frequency transformer, input and output common mode inductance and high precision current transformer etc
Artificial magnet
Divided horseshoe magnet and hump magnet, is the most common of all life, including the more popular horseshoe magnet. Refers to single-sided magnet magnetic one side, the other side of the magnetic weaker magnet, the method is treated with a special wrap-sided galvanized iron to one side of the magnet, so that one side of the magnetic shield will be wrapped, magnetic is refracted to the other side, the other side of magnetically enhanced. If only one side of the case with a magnetic, if the other side can cause damage or interference magnetic; some occasions, such as a magnet on the box only need one side with a magnetic, the other side is optional, there is no use of magnetic, this will greatly reduce the use of single-sided magnetic magnetic material costs and savings. Sided motor magnet refracted as refracted satellite signals pot or pan flashlight lamp to light refraction, the refraction effect is mainly determined by the following three aspects: 1 material: the choice of materials and thickness, and spacing of the magnet and the material has a close Relationship. Pure iron is easy to MFL, after special treatment refraction will increase, but not 100% shielding material developed, but the effect of different manufacturers make different materials.
Magnet classification
Magnets can be grouped into permanent magnet and magnetic plate, Permanent magnet may be a natural product, known as lodestone, also be made artificially produced (the strongest magnets are neodymium magnets). The non-permanent magnet, and only under certain conditions be magnetic, usually in the form of an electromagnet to produce, i.e. the use of electric current to strengthen the magnetic field. Soft magnetic core including silicon and soft; hard magnetic including aluminum, nickel and cobalt, samarium cobalt, ferrite and NdFeB, of which, the most expensive is samarium cobalt magnet, the cheapest is a ndfeb magnets, NdFeB magnets are the highest performance, but the performance is the most stable, best temperature coefficient is alnico, the user can select different hard magnetic products according to different needs.We are talking about magnets, generally refers to the permanent magnets
Magnet species
Motorcycle turn the magnets, hook magnets,electric cars turn the magnet, toys magnet, belt buckle magnet, door holder magnet, lamp magnet, magnet boxes, mobile magnet, leather magnets, buttons magnet magnetic shielding ring, ring card stock, notebook ring, cylinder ring, motorcycle lock ring, electric car ring, glasses box magnet, cosmetic magnets, stationery magnets, wine magnet, curtains magnet fishing magnet toy, magnetic toys, remote control toys, magnets,bullet magnet anti-theft locks magnet, car magnet high temperature, mechanical magnet injection magnet, strong magnet electrical, electromagnetic induction magnet
Features magnets
By powder metallurgy production, low residual magnetism, reply small magnetic permeability. Coercivity larger, anti-magnetic ability to strong,magnetic plate separator especially suitable for use as a dynamic operating conditions of magnetic structure. Hard and brittle materials can be used for diamond cutting tools. The main raw materials are oxides, it is difficult to corrosion. Working temperature: -40 ℃ to + 200 ℃.
Divided into anisotropic ferrite magnets (anisotropic) and isotropic (isotropic). Other magnetic isotropic sintered ferrite permanent magnet materials can weak, but can be magnetized in different directions magnet; anisotropic sintered ferrite permanent magnet material with strong magnetic properties, but only along the magnet predetermined magnetization direction magnetization.
Divided into anisotropic ferrite magnets (anisotropic) and isotropic (isotropic). Other magnetic isotropic sintered ferrite permanent magnet materials can weak, but can be magnetized in different directions magnet; anisotropic sintered ferrite permanent magnet material with strong magnetic properties, but only along the magnet predetermined magnetization direction magnetization.
The difference between NdFeB magnet and Ferrite magnets
NdFeB magnets because of their strong magnetism, in many applications the magnet occupies a dominant position, it is the difference between ordinary ferrite magnets is relatively obvious.
Ferrite magnet is a ferromagnetic metal oxide.magnetic plate separator On the electrical characteristics, the ferrite resistivity than metal, alloy magnetic material is much greater, but also a higher dielectric properties. Magnetic ferrite can also have a higher performance at high frequency permeability. Thus, a wide range of high-frequency ferrite has become weak areas of use of non-metallic material. Belonging to the non-metallic magnetic material is iron oxide and other oxides of one or more metal composite oxide (positive or ferrite). 800-1000 Gauss magnetic force generally, often used in speakers, speakers and other equipment.
Ferrite permanent magnet material
1. Alnico magnet is an alloy of aluminum, nickel, cobalt, iron and other trace metal elements. Casting process can be processed into different sizes and shapes, very good processability. Magentic drawer Cast aluminum nickel and cobalt permanent magnet has a low reversible temperature coefficient, working temperature up to 600 degrees Celsius. Alnico magnet products are widely used in various instruments and other applications.
2. Samarium cobalt (SmCo) on the basis of different components into SmCo5 and Sm2Co17. Because of its materials are expensive and their development is limited. Samarium cobalt (SmCo) as a rare earth permanent magnet, not only has a higher energy product (14-28MGOe), reliable coercive force and excellent temperature characteristics. Compared with NdFeB magnets, SmCo magnet is more suitable for working in high temperature environments.
magnet is more suitable
1. NdFeB magnets which is found in the commercialization of the highest performance magnets, known as magnetic king, have extremely high magnetic its biggest energy product (BHmax) higher than the ferrite (Ferrite) more than 10 times. Machining performance itself is also very good. Operating temperature up to 200 degrees Celsius. And its hard, magnetic grate separator stable performance, good price, so its application is extremely broad. But because of its chemical activity is very strong, it must deal with its surface coating. (E.g. plating Zn, Ni, electrophoresis, passivation, etc.).
2. It is the main raw materials include ferrite magnets BaFe12O19 and SrFe12O19. Manufacturing method made by ceramic technology, texture rather hard, is a brittle material, since the ferrite magnets have good temperature resistance, low cost, moderate performance, has become the most widely used permanent magnets.
MAG magnetic separation reality advantages
Cyclones larger than 1-3 microns is suitable for the purification of non-sticky, non-fibrous dry dust. MAG magnetic grate separator is a simple structure, easy operation, high temperature, equipment costs and resistance (80 to 160 mm of water) purification equipment, purification equipment Cyclones in the most widely applied. Improved cyclone in the portion of the device can replace the exhaust filter device.
the use of MAG magnetic separation
Natural gas purification device into the cyclone zone through the device inlet, MAG magnetic grate separator after the gas containing impurities when axially into the cyclone separator tube, airflow diversion effect by the guide vanes and a strong rotation, airflow along the barrel downward spiral into the cyclone cylinder, high density droplets and dust particles under the centrifugal force thrown towards the wall, and gravity along the tube wall fall out of the mouth of the cyclone dust discharge pipe at the bottom of the reservoir area of the device, from the bottom of the device a liquid outlet flows. Rotating air in the cylinder body contraction flow to the center, up to form a secondary vortex flow through the airway to purge gas chamber, and then flows out through the top of the device outlet.
MAG magnetic separation effect
MAG magnetic grate separator for a respiratory gas sample analyzer includes a closed container having a liquid trap filter chamber integral with the container. The liquid trap filter chamber includes an inlet compartment and an outlet compartment. The inlet compartment is interposed between a sample inlet port and a sample outlet port and includes a gas permeable, liquid impermeable filter element for separating liquid from a gas sample, the liquid separated from the gas sample passing to a collection chamber. The outlet compartment includes a further gas permeable, liquid impermeable trap filter element which is interposed between the collection chamber and a low pressure port, for preventing the flow of liquid through the output compartment to the low pressure port.
MAG magnetic separation production
MAG magnetic grate separator are designed to extract the ferrous material from the liquid, semi-liquid and air conveying powder in order to purify the material in the production process. Strong magnetic tubes inside the housing filtrates the flow and picks out the unwanted ferrous metal. The unit is simply mounted to the existing pipeline via flanged or threaded ends. Easy access is also possible using the quick release clamp.
Magnetic action
After the MAG magnetic grate separator works by other materials to be selected into the sorting space separator, by force and other mechanical forces (such as gravity, centrifugal force, friction, medium resistance, etc.) of the joint action. Suffered by the magnetic force of the magnetic mineral particles the size of magnetic minerals in itself relevant; non-magnetic mineral particles are mainly affected by the action of mechanical forces. Consequent, each movement along different paths, get separation. Generally magnetic particles in a magnetic field and suffered than the size of the magnetic field strength and gradient proportional.
MAG magnetic separation variety, usually in the magnetic field strength, magnetic flux media type, the working medium and the structural characteristics and other classification and nomenclature. The most basic classification is based on the strength of the magnetic field, there are three types: ① weak magnetic separator, the working gap of the magnetic field strength (0.6 ~ 1.6) × 105A / m, used for sorting the strong magnetic minerals; ② the magnetic separator , the working gap of the magnetic field strength (1.6 ~ 4.8) × 105A / m, used for sorting moderate magnetic minerals; ③ strong magnetic field intensity magnetic separator, the working gap of (4.8 ~ 20.8) × 105A / m for election Do weakly magnetic minerals. Since the 1970s superconducting magnetic separator, magnetic field strength up (28 ~ 40) × 105A / m, can sorting weaker magnetic minerals. According to the working medium, magnetic separator has (air) and wet (water) of the points dry. Separator structure and to choose other mineral magnetic strength and size related. In addition to the magnetic pulley used for sorting bulk material, the material can be processed by the particle size is generally a few millimeters to a few microns.
Separator Category
magnetic plate separator variety, usually in the magnetic field strength, magnetic flux media type, the working medium and the structural characteristics and other classification and nomenclature. The most basic classification is based on the strength of the magnetic field, there are three types: ① weak magnetic separator, the working gap of the magnetic field strength (0.6 ~ 1.6) × 105A / m, used for sorting the strong magnetic minerals; ② the magnetic separator , the working gap of the magnetic field strength (1.6 ~ 4.8) × 105A / m, used for sorting moderate magnetic minerals; ③ strong magnetic field intensity magnetic separator, the working gap of (4.8 ~ 20.8) × 105A / m for election do weakly magnetic minerals. Since the 1970s superconducting magnetic separator, magnetic field strength up (28 ~ 40) × 105A / m, can sorting weaker magnetic minerals. According to the working medium, magnetic separator has (air) and wet (water) of the points dry. Separator structure and to choose other mineral magnetic strength and size related. In addition to the magnetic pulley used for sorting bulk material, the material can be processed by the particle size is generally a few millimeters to a few microns.
magnetic grate separator
magnetic separator equipment is used to remove ferrous tramp metal contaminants from dry particulate, liquids, and slurries in the process of grain, feed, sugar, cereal, chemical, mineral, plastics, oil, textile, salt, pharmaceuticals, and recycled products to name a few. A partial list of Separation Equipment would include magnetic plates, grates, drawers, drums, humps, pulleys, spouts, and belts. These magnetic separators will ensure product purity and protect processing equipment form tramp metal damage.
Puritan offers a wide range of magnetic separator equipment for capturing, controlling and removing ferrous tramp metal contaminants from products and processing systems. Puritan's magnetic separation products are available in standard sizes and strengths with effective designs to meet most conditions and applications.
Special designs, and engineering assistance are available for difficult applications. Puritan's magnetic separation products are designed for rugged use and easy installation in mechanical, gravity, or pneumatic conveying systems. Optimum performance is achieved when magnetic separators are placed at proper locations within the processing system.
Quality magnetic coatings applied directly to the product's life
Experiments that, 1cm³ NdFeB permanent magnets on the air 150 ℃ of stay 51 days, will all be oxidized etched. In weak acid solution, it is more susceptible to corrosion. To make NdFeB durable, require it to have 20--30 years of life, it must be subjected to a surface anti-corrosion treatment, in order to resist the corrosive medium on the magnet against corrosion. Currently, NdFeB permanent magnet manufacturing industries widely used metal plating, chemical plating + metallization, electrophoretic coating and phosphate processing methods, the magnet surface coated with a layer of additional spacers, the magnet surface and the corrosive medium isolated to prevent violations of media trap magnets . 1, generally zinc, nickel + copper + nickel + copper + nickel electroless nickel plating three technology-based, other metal plating requirements are generally applied in other metal plating after nickel. 2, in some special cases will use phosphate: (1) NdFeB super neodymium magnets products because of turnover, save for too long without a clear follow-up of the surface treatment method when using phosphide simple; ( 2) When the adhesive force of the magnet need epoxy adhesive junction, painting, etc., glue, paint and other organic matter needs epoxy matrix invasion have good performance. Phosphating process can improve the infiltration capacity of the magnet surface. 3, electrophoretic coating has become one of the anti-corrosion surface treatment technology is widely adopted. Not only because of its porous surface of the magnet and the binding force of good, and are resistant to salt spray, acid, alkali and other corrosion, excellent resistance to corrosion. But its heat-resistant properties inferior compared with spray coating. Customers can request for their products work carried plating options. With the expansion of electrical use in the field of corrosion NdFeB customers have higher requirements. The HAST test (also known as PCT test) is a specialized test sintered NdFeB permanent magnets in the humid and high temperature environment of corrosion resistance. And how customers judge coating meets demands? The purpose is to salt spray test surface treated by anti-corrosion coating sintered NdFeB magnets make rapid corrosion test, when the end of the experiment, the samples were removed from the chamber, dried and eyes or a magnifying glass to observe the sample surface without spots , spot size of the area box changes color.
Electromagnetic separator debugging method before running
● Check the coil and electrical insulation properties of the motor, before electricity to meet the requirements after commissioning.
● Before magnetic plate separator run with a Megger, measure the winding insulation resistance and its value should not be in the magnet enclosure 10MΩ, check field winding wiring is correct, reliable, error-free behind the prospective use.
● before turning, indicating the oil level should be checked whether the standard cap oil. And in turn each channel of the switching power transmission and start excitation circuit, check out the fan air flow, flow meter indicates correctly. Otherwise, you should adjust the fans, pumps electrical wiring.
● always observe the voltmeter, ammeter reading of normal, not exceeding its rating.
● If in addition to the effect of poor iron, then adjust the hanging height or separator drum from front to back and head.
Fault Analysis Magnetic Separator
(1) magnetic separator machine motor overheating and noise is not normal.
Magnetic separator machine motor overheating and noise is not normal reasons: 1) poor or badly worn bearing lubrication; 2) fan leaves fall off or wear; 3) switch circuit connection. Bad touch, or break run single phase; 4) voltage is too low.
(2) Separator abnormal sound in operation, the cylinder stuck obstacles, even the cylinder can not be rotated, the bottom box fibrillation.
The reason is often jammed base box object, then there are magnetic liquid trap off, so that the cylinder rattled serious cause tube skin scratched. At this time you should shut down for maintenance troubleshooting.
(3) Deceleration overheating
The reasons: 1) lack of or poor fuel oil; 2) wear off even with the worm gear, or engaging well; 3) poor bearing lubrication or badly worn.
(4) super neodymium magnets field strength becomes weaker
The reasons: 1) high temperature; 2) sun exposure; 3) acid corrosion. You can use Gauss meter. Magnetic separator from the base, under the magnetic system, the tumble, the magnetic system, hollow shaft, concentrate tank, gears and other components. Installed base with hollow bearing seat as a benchmark to measure the elevation and levelness. Positioned under the magnetic system to stand as a benchmark. Cage and the upper and lower magnetic gap adjustment system must be accurate, the gap deviation limit hand 0 + 1mm.
Application of magnetic separators in sorting iron
In order to obtain market recognition and the user's approval, we have increased the property of high magnetic induction in the iron sorting using magnetic separator. So that it has a number of distinctive features user-friendly application. Currently, most of the industrial applications in the area of magnetic separator purification of iron fines in addition to the non-magnetic material, such as abrasives, refractories, chemicals, carbon black, silicon carbide, ceramics and coatings. In addition to iron equipment such structural forms are more common feature is the high magnetic field strength, magnetic field gradients big disadvantage is easy to plug a small processing power, more difficult to clean up the magnetic material, and mostly intermittent work. In recent years, magnetic grate separator has made great progress. Innovative and dynamic magnetic separation process can achieve great success but also that the process can be used in different industrial sectors.
In the iron choose another throughout the process, we strive to simplify the structure of the magnetic separator, so that it can be installed directly in the head of the conveyor belt. Similarly, it can also be configured to separate dry magnetic separation. When the magnetic plate separator, magnetic materials as the belt will move to the top of the drum is adsorbed off automatically go to the bottom, the non-magnetic material in a horizontal parabolic trajectory straight down. After the enhanced magnetic separator to the mine can be operated within 350mm of size, is the breadth of this kind can achieve a rare Several magnetic separator.
Magnetic separator is used in the re-use of powdered mitochondria removing iron powder, magnetic separator is widely used in other factories recycling, timber, mining, ceramics, chemical, food, etc., for the magnetic particle size less than 3mm wet magnetic separation of iron ore, pyrrhotite, roasted ore, ilmenite and other materials, but also for iron work coal, non-metallic minerals, building materials and other materials, is the industry's most widely used, high versatility one aircraft.
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