MAG SPRING NINGBO ZHENHAI I&E LTD is a leading specialist in dependable and environmental-friendly designing, manufacturing, exporting and importing for various industrial magnets and magnetic products that provide pioneering magnetic solutions for global customers.
Ferrit haltemagnet

Electromagnetic separator debugging method before running
● Check the coil and electrical insulation properties of the motor, before electricity to meet the requirements after commissioning.
● Before magnetic plate separator run with a Megger, measure the winding insulation resistance and its value should not be in the magnet enclosure 10MΩ, check field winding wiring is correct, reliable, error-free behind the prospective use.
● before turning, indicating the oil level should be checked whether the standard cap oil. And in turn each channel of the switching power transmission and start excitation circuit, check out the fan air flow, flow meter indicates correctly. Otherwise, you should adjust the fans, pumps electrical wiring.
● always observe the voltmeter, ammeter reading of normal, not exceeding its rating.
● If in addition to the effect of poor iron, then adjust the hanging height or separator drum from front to back and head.
Fault Analysis Magnetic Separator
(1) magnetic separator machine motor overheating and noise is not normal.
Magnetic separator machine motor overheating and noise is not normal reasons: 1) poor or badly worn bearing lubrication; 2) fan leaves fall off or wear; 3) switch circuit connection. Bad touch, or break run single phase; 4) voltage is too low.
(2) Separator abnormal sound in operation, the cylinder stuck obstacles, even the cylinder can not be rotated, the bottom box fibrillation.
The reason is often jammed base box object, then there are magnetic liquid trap off, so that the cylinder rattled serious cause tube skin scratched. At this time you should shut down for maintenance troubleshooting.
(3) Deceleration overheating
The reasons: 1) lack of or poor fuel oil; 2) wear off even with the worm gear, or engaging well; 3) poor bearing lubrication or badly worn.
(4) super neodymium magnets field strength becomes weaker
The reasons: 1) high temperature; 2) sun exposure; 3) acid corrosion. You can use Gauss meter. Magnetic separator from the base, under the magnetic system, the tumble, the magnetic system, hollow shaft, concentrate tank, gears and other components. Installed base with hollow bearing seat as a benchmark to measure the elevation and levelness. Positioned under the magnetic system to stand as a benchmark. Cage and the upper and lower magnetic gap adjustment system must be accurate, the gap deviation limit hand 0 + 1mm.
Application of magnetic separators in sorting iron
In order to obtain market recognition and the user's approval, we have increased the property of high magnetic induction in the iron sorting using magnetic separator. So that it has a number of distinctive features user-friendly application. Currently, most of the industrial applications in the area of magnetic separator purification of iron fines in addition to the non-magnetic material, such as abrasives, refractories, chemicals, carbon black, silicon carbide, ceramics and coatings. In addition to iron equipment such structural forms are more common feature is the high magnetic field strength, magnetic field gradients big disadvantage is easy to plug a small processing power, more difficult to clean up the magnetic material, and mostly intermittent work. In recent years, magnetic grate separator has made great progress. Innovative and dynamic magnetic separation process can achieve great success but also that the process can be used in different industrial sectors.
In the iron choose another throughout the process, we strive to simplify the structure of the magnetic separator, so that it can be installed directly in the head of the conveyor belt. Similarly, it can also be configured to separate dry magnetic separation. When the magnetic plate separator, magnetic materials as the belt will move to the top of the drum is adsorbed off automatically go to the bottom, the non-magnetic material in a horizontal parabolic trajectory straight down. After the enhanced magnetic separator to the mine can be operated within 350mm of size, is the breadth of this kind can achieve a rare Several magnetic separator.
Magnetic separator is used in the re-use of powdered mitochondria removing iron powder, magnetic separator is widely used in other factories recycling, timber, mining, ceramics, chemical, food, etc., for the magnetic particle size less than 3mm wet magnetic separation of iron ore, pyrrhotite, roasted ore, ilmenite and other materials, but also for iron work coal, non-metallic minerals, building materials and other materials, is the industry's most widely used, high versatility one aircraft.
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